
Mona, voiced by the talented Japanese voice actress and singer Shiina Natsukawa (夏川椎菜), is a musical character that has garnered attention within the world of anime and Japanese pop music. Natsukawa, born on July 18, 1996, in Chiba Prefecture, is not only a solo artist but also a member of the voice acting unit TrySail, which is affiliated with the music label SACRA MUSIC.

The character "Mona" comes to life through Natsukawa's expressive vocal performances, which are characterized by their energetic and cheerful style, resonating strongly with the energetic pop and idol genres prevalent in many anime soundtracks and theme songs. Recent releases like "ハッピークリスマスパーティ" (Happy Christmas Party), "#超絶かわいい" (Super Cute), and "#名前だけでも覚えてって下さい" (Please Remember My Name at Least) showcase Mona's peppy and upbeat musical persona that is crafted to appeal to fans of the genre's vibrant and catchy rhythms. These songs contribute to the growing discography of Mona and exhibit the unique blend of Kawaii culture and pop music that artists like Natsukawa bring to an international audience through their voice work and musical talent.

Latest Release
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Album - 11 Tracks - Released August 28, 2024
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