DCS is a renowned Bhangra band formed in 1983. The group has been a significant force in the Bhangra industry, known for their innovative approach and ability to adapt to changing trends. They have played a crucial role in shaping the genre and have been recognized as a role model for emerging bands. DCS has earned numerous awards for "Best Live Band" and their lead vocalist, Shin, has been praised for his versatility and vocal prowess. The band's music has attracted a global following, reflecting their success in tours worldwide.
Their recent releases include titles like "Sadi Gal Hor Yah," "Punjabi...and u know it," "The Live Session," "Desi Culture Shock," "Old Skool / Nu Skool = Dcs Flava," "Honge Na Juda Hum," and "Punjabi Dance Nation." These albums showcase their continued influence and contribution to the Bhangra scene. DCS's legacy as a powerhouse of production, creativity, and talent in Bhangra music remains strong.
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