MISSIO is an American musical duo hailing from Austin, Texas, formed in 2014 by Matthew Brue and David Butler. The duo's name, derived from the Latin word for "mission," reflects the deeply personal and often introspective nature of their songwriting. Their sound is a unique blend of electronica, rock, and downbeat minimalist pop, fused with introspection, honesty, and raw emotion that has resonated deeply with fans.

The group first garnered attention with their breakout single, "Middle Fingers," in 2017 and have since been a notable presence in the alternative music scene. Their music catalog, including songs like "Heart Made of Dynamite" and "I Am High," showcases their capability to meld catchy melodies with thought-provoking lyrics that explore themes of existential doubt, personal transformation, and confrontation of the darker sides of human experience. With their latest releases such as "VILLAIN" and the "Skeletons: Part 3 (Instrumentals)," MISSIO continues to experiment with their sound and maintain a consistent presence in the alternative arena, attracting a dedicated following appreciative of their honest storytelling and innovative approaches to production.

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