Stirps Iesse is an enigmatic and devout collective recognized for their dedication to preserving the solemn and spiritual tradition of Gregorian chant. Their music serves as a vessel to transport listeners back in time to the sacred halls and shadowy cloisters of the Middle Ages, where these chants originated. Although details about the members or the history of Stirps Iesse are not widely publicized, their work echoes the deep religious roots and the liturgical significance of the Latin liturgical chants they perform.
Their discography is a profound testament to the ecclesiastical heritage, with albums like "Nativitas Domini" and "Passio Domini nostri" focusing on the central stories of Christianity, such as the Nativity and the Passion of Christ. Moreover, their rendition of "Gregorian Chant: Missa de Angelis" and "Missa de Angelis (E canti dell'anno liturgico)" captures the essence of the Mass of the Angels, one of the most enduring and beloved settings of the Mass in the Gregorian chant repertoire. Through their meticulous craftsmanship and spiritual reverence, Stirps Iesse not only keeps the ancient art of Gregorian chant alive but also accessible to contemporary audiences seeking solace in these timeless melodies.
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