DKZ, formerly known as Dongkiz, is a South Korean boy group that debuted in 2019 under Dongyo Entertainment. The group currently consists of five members: Jaechan, Jonghyeong, Sehyeon, Mingyu, and Giseok. DKZ has undergone several lineup changes since their debut, including a rebranding in 2022 when they changed their name from Dongkiz to DKZ and added new members.
The group has been actively releasing music, with their discography including single albums, digital singles, and mini-albums. Some of their notable releases include their debut single album "DONGKIZ On The Block," and more recent works like their first repackaged album "HARMONY" and their second mini-album "REBOOT". DKZ has also been involved in soundtrack work, as evidenced by their contribution to the "Check in Hanyang" original television soundtrack.
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