The Lebrón Brothers, also known as Los Hermanos Lebrón, are a renowned musical group from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Formed in the 1960s, the group consists of brothers José, Ángel, Carlos, and Frank Lebrón, among others. They are celebrated for their contributions to salsa and boogaloo music. The brothers were raised in a musical family and moved to New York in 1952, where they were exposed to a vibrant musical scene. Their career took off when they were discovered by George Goldner, leading to their debut album "Psychodelic Goes Latin" in 1967. This was followed by "The Brooklyn Bums" in 1968, showcasing their unique blend of Latin rhythms with American influences.
Throughout their career, the Lebrón Brothers have released numerous albums and have been associated with major labels like Fania. Their music often reflects a mix of traditional Latin styles with modern rhythms, contributing to their enduring popularity. Over the years, they have collaborated with various vocalists and have continued to evolve their sound while maintaining their roots in salsa and boogaloo. The group's longevity and family unity are testaments to their dedication to music and their legacy in the Latin music scene.
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