Hiromi Okada is a renowned Japanese pianist, born in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. She studied under notable instructors such as Ando Jinichiro, Mori Yasuki, and Maria Curucio. During her time at Toho Gakuen School of Music, Okada won the 48th Japan Music Competition. She went on to achieve significant international recognition by winning first prizes in several competitions, including the Maria Canals International Competition and the Pretoria International Competition. Okada moved to London in 1984 and made her debut recital there in 1985, receiving critical acclaim for her technique and musical passion. She has performed extensively with major orchestras worldwide, including the Philharmonia Orchestra and the BBC Symphony Orchestra, and has a diverse repertoire spanning classical to contemporary music.
Okada's discography includes recordings of works by Chopin, Beethoven, Brahms, and Albeniz, among others, released under labels such as EMI, Victor, and NAXOS. She is also involved in chamber music collaborations and has performed at numerous international music festivals. In addition to her performance career, Okada has been a professor at the Toho Gakuen Graduate School since 2015 and conducts masterclasses in Canada and Japan.
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