Kep1er is a vibrant South Korean girl group formed through the Mnet reality competition show "Girls Planet 999" in 2021. The group's name is derived from the German astronomer Johannes Kepler, symbolizing the nine members' journey to stardom under their fans' watchful gazes, just as stars are observed in the night sky. Consisting of a diverse lineup from South Korea, China, and Japan, the members of Kep1er—Yujin, Mashiro, Xiaoting, Chaehyun, Dayeon, Hikaru, Huening Bahiyyih, Youngeun, and Yeseo—each bring their own unique flair to the ensemble.
Since their official debut on January 3, 2022, with the extended play "FIRST IMPACT," Kep1er has been on a meteoric rise within the K-pop industry, captivating audiences with their dynamic performances and infectious energy. Their discography exhibits a mixture of catchy dance tracks and heartfelt melodies, and they have rapidly gained international attention through their inventive music videos, engaging social media presence, and participation in various music shows. Their recent releases, such as "Grand Prix", "Magic Hour", and the Japanese version of "WA DA DA (IMLAY Remix)", showcase the group's ability to adapt to diverse musical styles and languages, solidifying their position as one of the brightest new stars on the global music horizon.
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