Gnu Quartet is an innovative and eclectic ensemble hailing from Italy, renowned for their unique fusion of classical instruments with contemporary music styles. The quartet consists of skilled musicians Stefano Cabrera on the cello, Francesca Rapetti on the flute, Raffaele Rebaudengo on the viola, and Roberto Izzo on the violin. Together, they forge a distinctive sound that traverses genres, embracing everything from classical to rock and progressive music.
With a discography that boldly interprets the works of celebrated artists and composers, Gnu Quartet has crafted a unique niche within the music world. Their release "Paganini The Rock Album" is a testament to their ability to revitalize classical compositions with a modern twist. The project "Karma (Gnuquartet in Prog)" reflects their affinity for progressive rock, whilst "Something Gnu" and "Muse_ic" — which features collaborations like FiloQ — showcase their adeptness at reimagining contemporary music through string quartet arrangements. Their talent for such reinterpretations is further evidenced in their singles, including "Undisclosed Desires (GnuQuartet Plays Muse)." Through each release, Gnu Quartet continues to challenge traditional boundaries, inviting listeners to experience a refreshing meld of classical instrumentation and modern musical innovation.
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