Os Garotin is a talented trio from São Gonçalo, Brazil, known for their unique blend of R&B, Soul, and traditional Brazilian music with a pop twist. The group consists of Anchieta, Leo Guima, and Cupertino, and they gained significant attention after being shared by notable artists like Caetano Veloso. Os Garotin's music often features soulful vocals and catchy melodies, as seen in popular tracks like "Zero a Cem," "Carinha de Neném," "Pouco a Pouco," and "Mais Uma História de Amor". Their performances have captivated audiences at various venues and festivals, showcasing their distinctive sound and energetic stage presence.
Os Garotin officially formed in 2023, and since then, they have been making waves in the music scene with their fresh take on traditional Brazilian music. Their ability to blend different genres has earned them a devoted following and recognition in the industry. Despite their recent formation, Os Garotin has already performed at notable events and continues to gain popularity for their heartfelt and engaging music.
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