Toshi Ichiyanagi was a renowned Japanese avant-garde composer and pianist, born on February 4, 1933, in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. He began his musical journey at a young age, studying piano with Koji Taku and Chieko Hara, and later composition with Kishio Hirao and Tomojiro Ikenouchi. Ichiyanagi furthered his education in New York, attending the Juilliard School and The New School for Social Research from 1954 to 1960. During this period, he was heavily influenced by John Cage and became involved with the Fluxus movement, meeting artists like La Monte Young and George Maciunas. Ichiyanagi married artist Yoko Ono in 1956, but they separated in 1962 when he returned to Japan. Upon his return, he played a pivotal role in introducing Cage's music to Japan and collaborated with various avant-garde groups.
Ichiyanagi's compositions span a wide range of genres, including Western-style operas, orchestral works, and pieces incorporating traditional Japanese instruments. He was known for using avant-garde techniques such as chance music and extended techniques. His notable works include *Sapporo* (1963), *Kaiki* (1960), and *Distance* (1961). Ichiyanagi co-founded the New Direction collective in 1963 and later formed the Tokyo International Music Ensemble – the New Tradition in 1989. Throughout his career, he received numerous awards, including the Suntory Music Award and the Foundation for Contemporary Arts John Cage Award. Ichiyanagi passed away on October 7, 2022, in Tokyo.
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