The Shacks are an enchanting duo from New York City, composed of Shannon Wise and Max Shrager. Their sound is often described as a dreamy blend of indie pop, psychedelic rock, and classic soul, imbued with a breezy, lo-fi aesthetic that feels simultaneously nostalgic and fresh. The band came into the limelight with their self-titled EP, "The Shacks EP," released in 2016, which featured a distinctive cover of the Ray Davies song "This Strange Effect" that caught listeners' attention after being used in an iPhone advertisement.
Their full-length debut album, "Haze," released in 2018, deepened their presence in the music world, showcasing Wise's whispery, ethereal vocals over Shrager's meticulous production and vintage instrumentation. This album, alongside its accompanying instrumental version, solidified their status as one of the more captivating acts to emerge in the indie music scene. Subsequent singles and covers have continued to showcase The Shacks' fluidity in genre and their ability to evoke a sense of timelessness, with a discography that brings to mind the warmth of old records and the intimacy of whispered secrets.
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