SUSHIBOYS is a Japanese rap duo composed of two MCs, Farmhouse and Santena, hailing from Saitama Prefecture's Ogose town. They have been active since 2016 and were initially a trio with Evidence, Farmhouse's brother, until his departure in 2018. Known for their unique blend of hip-hop and rap, SUSHIBOYS have gained attention for their quirky and humorous style, often incorporating everyday themes into their music. Their discography includes notable releases like the album "NIGIRI" and EPs such as "WASABI" and "350." They have also collaborated with other artists and have been featured in various media and fashion projects.
SUSHIBOYS have continued to release new music, with recent tracks including "happy new year 2025," "What is your name?," "Ride," and "ONIGIRI." Their music often reflects their playful and creative approach to storytelling, which has resonated with fans and critics alike. With a strong online presence and a dedicated fan base, SUSHIBOYS remain a vibrant part of Japan's hip-hop scene.
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