American Romanticism

American Romanticism in music is a genre that flourished primarily from the late 19th to early 20th centuries, embodying the principles of Romanticism within a uniquely American context. It is marked by an emphasis on emotional expression, nationalism, and the exploration of the natural and supernatural worlds. Composers like Edward MacDowell, Amy Beach, and Florence Beatrice Price incorporated elements of American folk tunes, Native American music, and African American spirituals into their works, blending them with the rich, expressive harmonic language and expansive forms inherited from European Romantic music. This genre reflects the diverse cultural landscape of America, showcasing an individualistic pursuit of expression while embracing the country's varied traditions and narratives. American Romanticism thus represents a significant period of growth and identity formation in American classical music, distinguishing itself through its innovative integration of diverse musical elements.

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RecentMusic users are tracking 63 American Romanticism artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 528 releases .

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Amy Beach
Anthony Philip Heinrich
Arthur Bird
Arthur Farwell
Arthur Foote
Arthur Hartmann
Arthur Whiting
Bernardus Boekelman
Blair Fairchild
Carl Busch
Carl Hillmann
Carlos Troyer
Cecil Burleigh
Charles Crozat Converse
Charles Lucien Lambert
Charles Martin Loeffler
Charles Sanford Skilton
Charles Wakefield Cadman
Dudley Buck
Edgar Stillman Kelley
Edward MacDowell
Elinor Remick Warren
Ernest Schelling
Ethelbert Nevin
Eugene Dede
Felix Borowski
Florence Beatrice Price
Frederick Shepherd Converse
Gena Branscombe
George Frederick Bristow
George Templeton Strong
George Whitefield Chadwick
Harry Burleigh
Harvey Worthington Loomis
Helen Hopekirk
Henry F. Gilbert
Henry Hadley
Henry Holden Huss
Henry Schoenefeld
Horatio Parker
John Knowles Paine
John Philip Sousa
Lily Strickland
Louis Lombard
Louis Moreau Gottschalk
Louise Talma
Ludwig Bonvin
Margaret Ruthven
Margaret Ruthven Lang
Martinus van Gelder
Paul Miersch
Preston Ware Orem
Quincy Porter
Reginald De Koven
Richard Storrs Willis
Rubin Goldmark
Sidney Homer
Stephen Foster
Victor Herbert
Walter Damrosch
William Henry Fry
William Humphreys Dayas
William Mason
Amy Beach
Florence Beatrice Price
John Philip Sousa
Edward MacDowell
Stephen Foster
Victor Herbert
Harry Burleigh
George Templeton Strong
Louis Moreau Gottschalk
Ethelbert Nevin
Richard Storrs Willis
Ernest Schelling
Charles Crozat Converse
William Mason
Arthur Foote
Charles Martin Loeffler
George Whitefield Chadwick
Elinor Remick Warren
Arthur Farwell
Felix Borowski
Charles Wakefield Cadman
Helen Hopekirk
Louise Talma
Walter Damrosch
John Knowles Paine
Quincy Porter
Henry Hadley
Horatio Parker
Arthur Bird
Eugene Dede
Martinus van Gelder
Lily Strickland
Rubin Goldmark
Henry Schoenefeld
Anthony Philip Heinrich
Gena Branscombe
William Humphreys Dayas
Carlos Troyer
Bernardus Boekelman
Carl Busch
Preston Ware Orem
Louis Lombard
Carl Hillmann
Charles Lucien Lambert
George Frederick Bristow
Margaret Ruthven
Henry Holden Huss
Frederick Shepherd Converse
Arthur Whiting
Reginald De Koven
Cecil Burleigh
Harvey Worthington Loomis
Margaret Ruthven Lang
Charles Sanford Skilton
Blair Fairchild
Paul Miersch
William Henry Fry
Arthur Hartmann
Henry F. Gilbert
Sidney Homer
Ludwig Bonvin
Edgar Stillman Kelley
Dudley Buck