Musical Advocacy

Musical advocacy is a genre that transcends traditional musical categories, uniting artists across various backgrounds to raise awareness, funds, and support for humanitarian causes. Characterized by collaborative singles or albums, these projects often feature an ensemble of high-profile personalities who combine their talents and influence to address urgent global issues, ranging from famine and natural disasters to health crises and social injustices. Typically marked by anthemic, emotionally charged music and poignant lyrics, these collaborative endeavors, like Band Aid's "Do They Know It's Christmas?" or U.S.A. For Africa's "We Are the World," aim to inspire solidarity, prompt action, and generate significant contributions to the causes they champion. The genre is built on the power of music to move people and drive tangible change in the world.

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RecentMusic users are tracking 15 Musical Advocacy artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 72 releases .

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Artists Stand Up To Cancer
Artists United Against Apartheid
Artists for Grenfell
Artists for Haiti
Band Aid
Band Aid 20
Band Aid 2010
Band Aid 30
Band Aid II
Channel Aid
Irish Women In Harmony
Military Wives
Playing For Change
U.S.A. For Africa
Young Artists For Haiti
U.S.A. For Africa
Playing For Change
Band Aid 30
Band Aid
Military Wives
Artists for Haiti
Irish Women In Harmony
Artists Stand Up To Cancer
Artists for Grenfell
Channel Aid
Artists United Against Apartheid
Band Aid 20
Young Artists For Haiti
Band Aid II
Band Aid 2010