Musique Concrete

Musique concrète is an avant-garde genre of electronic music that emerged in the mid-20th century, characterized by its innovative use of recorded sounds sourced from the real world. These sounds are manipulated through editing, looping, and effects processing to create an abstract, often non-melodic soundscape that challenges traditional notions of music composition. Pioneered by figures like Pierre Schaeffer, the genre transcends the bounds of conventional instruments, inviting natural noises and everyday audio into artistic expression. Composers in this field, such as Edgard Varèse and Iannis Xenakis, explore the texture, timbre, and dynamics of sounds, recontextualizing them into complex, layered works that can evoke intense emotion or intellectual curiosity. Musique concrète has profoundly influenced contemporary electronic music, sound design, and the broader spectrum of experimental audio art.

Latest Musique Concrete Release
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Every Life Is A Light
Album - 12 Tracks - Released March 14, 2025

RecentMusic users are tracking 113 Musique Concrete artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 1,635 releases .

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1/2 Dr Oh Steel
3 Hwr Doeth
A Million Squeeks Will Do You No Harm
An Moku
Andreas Lindenbaum
Beat Keller
Beatriz Ferreyra
Bengt Hambræus
Bernard Parmegiani
Bernhard Cohen
Bertrand Chavarría-Aldrete
Binbag Wisdom
Bird Sound Collectors
Cihan Gülbudak
Curv Droobln
Daphne Oram
De Moi
Dennis Duzhmer
Desmond Leslie
Diego Masson
Digiffects Sound Effects Library
Dimitris Petsetakis
Elias Kiefer
Ensemble Proton Bern
Ensemble Reconsil
Esbjerg Ensemble
François Bayle
General Magic
Grupo de Música Contemporânea de Lisboa
Habacuc Threeseven
Henri Pousseur
Horacio Vaggione
Horse Head
Hudobná skupina UNIX
Hugh Le Caine
James Tenney
Jascha Narveson
Jean C. Roché
Jean-Claude Risset
Joni Void
Judith Ring
Jérôme Noetinger
Kane Parsons
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Knife Sticking Head
Konrad Sprenger
Lars Bech Pilgaard
Le couteau
Letnie Glosy Ptakow
Lionel Marchetti
Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch
Luc Ferrari
Lucia Ronchetti
Luigi Russolo
Malson Atmosfèric
Marcus Weiss
Maria Teresa Luciani
Mathias Delplanque
Mauro Lanza
Max Andrzejewski
Michal Nejtek
Michal Rataj
Michel Chion
Ming Tsao
Noémi Büchi
Nurse With Wound
Orfeón Gagarin
Paweł Szymański
Physis Versus Nomos
Pierre Henry
Pierre Schaeffer
Ragnar Grippe
Roman Stolyar
SWR Experimentalstudio
Sole Gipp Ossler
Spagguetta Orghasmmond
Surdég Broed
Thomas Kessler
Tobias Stavngaard
Vibrator Für Pony
Walter Prati
Warrington Runcorn New Town Development Plan
Wilceu Pause
Yara Asmar
Yoko Nono
dzieła wybrane
ernest rareberrg
Åke Parmerud
Horse Head
De Moi
Elias Kiefer
Digiffects Sound Effects Library
Wilceu Pause
Bernhard Cohen
Kane Parsons
Surdég Broed
Dennis Duzhmer
Le couteau
Pierre Henry
Thomas Kessler
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Bird Sound Collectors
Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch
Paweł Szymański
ernest rareberrg
Letnie Glosy Ptakow
Tobias Stavngaard
Nurse With Wound
Jean C. Roché
Curv Droobln
Warrington Runcorn New Town Development Plan
Daphne Oram
Sole Gipp Ossler
Malson Atmosfèric
Walter Prati
An Moku
Ragnar Grippe
Habacuc Threeseven
Pierre Schaeffer
Bernard Parmegiani
Yara Asmar
Luc Ferrari
Max Andrzejewski
Marcus Weiss
Michel Chion
Binbag Wisdom
Halim El-Dabh
Luigi Russolo
Ensemble Reconsil
James Tenney
Beatriz Ferreyra
Joni Void
Michal Nejtek
Cihan Gülbudak
Noémi Büchi
Elfriede Jelinek
Konrad Sprenger
SWR Experimentalstudio
Hudobná skupina UNIX
Dimitris Petsetakis
Maria Teresa Luciani
Richard Maxfield
Sound Effect
Jean-Claude Risset
3 Hwr Doeth
The California Parallele Ensemble
Mathias Delplanque
Andreas Lindenbaum
General Magic
Spagguetta Orghasmmond
Esbjerg Ensemble
Diego Masson
Physis Versus Nomos
Hugh Le Caine
François Bayle
Henri Pousseur
Åke Parmerud
Francis Dhomont
Orfeón Gagarin
Jérôme Noetinger
Ton de Leeuw
Yoko Nono
Roman Stolyar
Bertrand Chavarría-Aldrete
Lars Bech Pilgaard
Bengt Hambræus
Daniel Teruggi
Beat Keller
Knife Sticking Head
Mauro Lanza
Jascha Narveson
Ensemble Proton Bern
A Million Squeeks Will Do You No Harm
Lucia Ronchetti
Denis Smalley
Lionel Marchetti