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Period Instruments

The "period instruments" genre features performances of classical music using historically accurate instruments and techniques from the time the music was composed. Artists in this genre emphasize authenticity, employing gut strings, natural horns, and harpsichords to recreate the tonal colors and expressive nuances of earlier music. Ensembles often follow historically informed performance (HIP) practices, with interpretations shaped by historical research. The sound is typically more transparent and less forceful than modern orchestral performances, offering a unique immediacy and intimacy.

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RecentMusic users are tracking 19 Period Instruments artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 313 releases .

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Angelicum de Puebla
Anton Steck
Australian Baroque Brass
Benedetti Baroque Orchestra
Concerto Armonico Budapest
Estil Concertant
Gunar Letzbor
Händelfestspielorchester Halle
Laurence Equilbey
Lucy van Dael
Marco Decimo
Maurizio Paciariello
Maximilian Ehrhardt
Micaela Comberti
Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla
Pulcinella Orchestra
Robert Haydon Clark
Simone El Oufir Pierini
Marco Decimo
Lucy van Dael
Laurence Equilbey
Benedetti Baroque Orchestra
Micaela Comberti
Gunar Letzbor
Robert Haydon Clark
Concerto Armonico Budapest
Pulcinella Orchestra
Anton Steck
Händelfestspielorchester Halle
Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla
Simone El Oufir Pierini
Maurizio Paciariello
Estil Concertant
Angelicum de Puebla
Australian Baroque Brass
Maximilian Ehrhardt