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The Sound of Música Londrinense

"The Sound of Música Londrinense" is a dive into the diverse and evolving music scene of Londrina, Brazil. This playlist blends everything from indie rock and samba to electronic and experimental sounds, showcasing the city's rich musical landscape. Tracks like Vulgar Gods' "Nowhere" and Red Mess' "Outta Sight" bring heavier, alternative energy, while Aminoácido's "Carinho Safadeza" and Paulo Vitor Poloni's "Mistura Brasileira" highlight Brazilian rhythms with a modern twist.

Listeners can also find softer, melodic selections like David Mour’s "Pra Te Iluminar" and Fabrício Martins' "Entardecer," offering a more introspective feel. There are also unexpected covers, like Senhor Bonifácio’s take on "Accidentally in Love," and energetic grooves from artists like morgado and Sereia do Amazonas. With a mix of established and emerging names, this playlist is a well-rounded glimpse into the sounds shaping Londrina’s independent music scene.

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Abacate Contemporâneo 3 tracks
Adriano Garib 1 track
Allice Tirolla 3 tracks
Aminoácido 3 tracks
André Mattos 2 tracks
André Siqueira 3 tracks
André Vercelino 1 track
Apolo Oliver 1 track
Ariel Trippy 2 tracks
Bakiega 2 tracks
Bernardo Pellegrini 3 tracks
Bernardo Pellegrini e o Bando do Cão Sem Dono 2 tracks
Bruno Cotrim 3 tracks
Busker Denim 1 track
Búfalos D'Água 2 tracks
Caburé Canela 3 tracks
Camacho 1 track
Camila Haro 1 track
Carla Casarim 1 track
Casa da Dona Alice 2 tracks
Cluster Sisters 3 tracks
Cyanish 3 tracks
Dan Murata 2 tracks
David Mour 3 tracks
Deley Jones 2 tracks
Diogo Burka 4 tracks
Dirua 1 track
Duo Avesso 2 tracks
Eduardo Batistella 3 tracks
Elza Soares 1 track
Emílio Mizão 1 track
Etnyah 1 track
Fabrício Martins 3 tracks
Faithman 1 track
Fernando Cursino 1 track
Filipe Barthem 3 tracks
Fim De Tarde 2 tracks
Gabriel Souza 1 track
Gilson Batista da Silveira 1 track
Gonzalo Araya 1 track
Grupo Vocal Entre Nós 2 tracks
HardLight 1 track
Hermano Elétrix 1 track
Hermano Pellegrini 3 tracks
Joyce Cândido 2 tracks
Kaleb Sampaio 2 tracks
Labuta Mamute 1 track
Logomaquia 2 tracks
Looa 3 tracks
Luke de Held 1 track
Luvbites 3 tracks
Manu e Gabriel 1 track
Maracajá 3 tracks
Marco Aurélio Silva 1 track
Mariana Coelho 1 track
Mateus Gonsales 6 tracks
Melk 1 track
Melody 1 track
Midio Panic 1 track
Montauk 1 track
Natália Lepri 2 tracks
Nina Wirtti 1 track
Novaventura 1 track
O Hipertrópico 3 tracks
Os Astronautas 1 track
Paulo Vitor Poloni 3 tracks
Plantão Sorriso 2 tracks
Porffirio 1 track
Primos da Cida 2 tracks
Rafael Fuca 2 tracks
Red Mess 3 tracks
Reload 1 track
Robinson Borba 1 track
Roger Aleixo 3 tracks
Rubia Divino 1 track
Sala de Estar 3 tracks
Sarará Criolo 1 track
Senhor Bonifácio 3 tracks
Sereia do Amazonas 2 tracks
Sofia Pellegrini 2 tracks
Tetrafônica 1 track
The Monkberry 1 track
Thi 1 track
Thiago Alves 3 tracks
Thiago Barcelos 2 tracks
Tonho Costa 2 tracks
Urutau Estúdio 1 track
Valeries 3 tracks
Vasco Roverall 1 track
Viktor Mora 1 track
Vitor Conor 2 tracks
Vulgar Gods 3 tracks
Wood Surfers 2 tracks
Zé Mario 1 track
annalisa vieira 1 track
morgado 2 tracks
rzlprod 1 track
sal vinicius 1 track