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The Sound of Brazilian Lo-Fi Rock

If fuzzy guitars, dreamy vocals, and a touch of melancholic energy are your thing, "The Sound of Brazilian Lo-Fi Rock" has you covered. This playlist pulls from Brazil’s underground and independent scene, featuring bands that blend shoegaze, post-punk, and indie rock with a raw, unpolished charm. Tracks like "Gaúcha" by Lupe De Lupe and "Você Não Sabe Quantas Horas Eu Passei Olhando pra Você" by gorduratrans bring a mix of distortion and longing, while more relaxed cuts like "Se a Gente Tivesse Se Conhecido" by El Toro Fuerte and "Paz Imensa" by Fábio de Carvalho keep things introspective.

Whether it’s the hazy textures of Duelectrum’s "She Doesn't Feel the Sun - Alternative" or the nostalgic lo-fi warmth of LuvBugs’ "Dias em Lo-Fi," this collection captures the moodiness and character of lo-fi rock, with a uniquely Brazilian take. From the shoegaze-infused sounds of máquinas and E A Terra Nunca Me Pareceu Tão Distante to the indie charm of Miêta and Adorável Clichê, it's the kind of playlist that sits somewhere between daydreaming and late-night contemplation.

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A Página do Relâmpago Elétrico 3 tracks
Adorável Clichê 3 tracks
Alberi 1 track
Alles Club 1 track
Astromato 2 tracks
Ayla Lemos 1 track
Bad Rec Project 1 track
Bela Infanta 2 tracks
Bilhão 2 tracks
Bonifrate 2 tracks
Calvin Voichicoski 3 tracks
Carpete Florido 1 track
Color for Shane 2 tracks
Céus de Abril 3 tracks
Diego Xavier 1 track
Duelectrum 2 tracks
E A Terra Nunca Me Pareceu Tão Distante 3 tracks
El Toro Fuerte 3 tracks
Electric Lo Fi Seresta 1 track
Emerald Hill 3 tracks
Eros Augustus 1 track
Fábio de Carvalho 3 tracks
Incesto Andar 2 tracks
Jessica Waltrick 1 track
Justine Never Knew The Rules 3 tracks
Kid Foguete 2 tracks
Kill Moves 2 tracks
Killing Surfers 1 track
Lava Divers 2 tracks
Low Dream 2 tracks
Lupe De Lupe 3 tracks
LuvBugs 2 tracks
Lvcasu 3 tracks
Lê Almeida 3 tracks
Medialunas 2 tracks
Mellotrons 1 track
Miêta 2 tracks
No Crowd Surfing 1 track
Não ao Futebol Moderno 3 tracks
Othersame 1 track
Pin Ups 3 tracks
Rec On Mute 1 track
Robsongs 2 tracks
Second Come 3 tracks
Siléste 1 track
Strawberry Licor 1 track
The Cabin Fever Club 1 track
The Shorts 1 track
The Sorry Shop 1 track
This Lonely Crowd 2 tracks
Travelling Wave 1 track
Treli Feli Repi 2 tracks
Unbelievable Things 2 tracks
Valv 2 tracks
Wry 3 tracks
Yonlu 2 tracks
astrocrushing 1 track
eliminadorzinho 3 tracks
gorduratrans 3 tracks
hateyourmusic 3 tracks
maquinas 3 tracks
terraplana 3 tracks