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The Sound of Latin Viral Rap

"The Sound of Latin Viral Rap" is a curated whirlwind of storming rap battles, contagious beats, and swift lyrical sparring, all hailing from the Latin rap scene. Dive into the electrifying mix with tracks like "Godzilla vs. Kong (Round 2)" by Jay-F and "Kronno Vs Zarcort Pt. 1" by Kronno Zomber and Zarcort, which set the tone for epic head-to-head lyrical showdowns.

From the fantastical face-offs like "Slenderman Vs Jeff the Killer" by Bth Games and Kinox to historical clashes in "Qin Shi Huang vs Hades" off Darckstar's album, this playlist explores a wide range of themes. The list doesn't shy away from popular culture either, featuring tracks like "Rap de Asta (Black Clover)" by Ivangel Music and Doblecero and "Mickey Mouse vs Bugs Bunny" by Keyblade. Whether you're in for the profound narrative verses or the sheer thrill of battle raps, this collection is a dynamic ride through the vibrant and viral world of Latin rap.

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4x3 3 tracks
Adan JFW 1 track
Adlomusic 3 tracks
AeAone 1 track
AleroFL 2 tracks
Alpha Gang 2 tracks
Antony Singer 1 track
Auron 2 tracks
BTH Games 1 track
Big Offset 1 track
Brock Ansiolitiko 1 track
Bth Games 3 tracks
CHAKALON FF 2 tracks
CRACKS 2 tracks
CRZ 1 track
CarRaxX 3 tracks
Chino RB 1 track
Christian Relikia 3 tracks
Club De Fans De Fernan 1 track
Crazy Xtreme 1 track
CriCri 3 tracks
Cyclo 1 track
DJ Ariel Style 2 tracks
Darckstar 3 tracks
Dariasuzu 2 tracks
Destripando la Historia 3 tracks
Doblecero 1 track
Doblecero 4 tracks
DomiDios 1 track
Domidio 1 track
El Blanco 18 1 track
ElCanelilla 1 track
ElChinoRB 1 track
ElMaiin 1 track
ElRubiusOMG 3 tracks
Erkvaldo 1 track
EzzSong 1 track
FrikiRap ZM 1 track
G Nely 1 track
Hat Black 2 tracks
Isu Rmx 1 track
Ivangel Music 4 tracks
Jay F. 1 track
Jay-F 3 tracks
Jey One 1 track
JhaySeven 1 track
Jocas 1 track
Juan Ángel 1 track
Kai Rapper 1 track
KaiMusicRap 2 tracks
Kairo 1 track
Kaisernooryam 3 tracks
Kballero Rap 4 tracks
Kennan 2 tracks
Keyblade 3 tracks
Kidd Chine 1 track
Kinox 1 track
Kinox 4 tracks
Kronno Zomber 4 tracks
L Gang 2 tracks
La Marmota Espacial 2 tracks
Lackster 1 track
León Picarón 2 tracks
Lytos 1 track
MC Energy 2 tracks
Marco R 1 track
Martin ElMele 1 track
Medichistes 1 track
MegaR 3 tracks
Mr Stiven Tc 2 tracks
Narehop 1 track
Nery Godoy 1 track
Nil Ojeda 1 track
Pachecho cara floja 1 track
PiketeProducer 1 track
Piter-G 2 tracks
Rubius 1 track
Saikore 3 tracks
Shisui 3 tracks
Sinapsis 1 track
Starkin 1 track
Tehsinapsis 2 tracks
The Ninno 1 track
The Nino 3 tracks
The White Voice 1 track
TheGrefg 2 tracks
Vegetta777 1 track
Vete a la Versh 3 tracks
Willyrex 2 tracks
Xaust 1 track
Yair17 1 track
Ykato 4 tracks
Zarcort 7 tracks
ZerØ 3 tracks
Zigred 2 tracks
Zoiket 3 tracks
Zorman 2 tracks
iTownGameplay 2 tracks