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The Sound of Music Box

Discover "The Sound of Music Box," a playlist that's perfect for a lazy afternoon or a dreamy evening. This collection carries you through whimsical melodies and gentle rhythms with tracks like "Cloud Castles" by Irving Simon and Romeo's Music Box's "Country Mornings." It features a mix of soothing lullabies like "Sleep Tight" by Box the Music and "Sweet Love, Sweet Dreams" by Louis Pope, along with timeless classics including "Ave Maria" by Sriningsih and "Amazing Grace" by Leslie Cyzner. With a touch of nostalgia in "Over The River And Through The Woods" by Jennifer Michaels and the playful charm of "Caterpillar Waltz" by Samantha Ant, this playlist promises a delightful escape into the simplicity and enchantment often found within a music box's delicate tunes.

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#Lullabies 1 track
Anebb 2 tracks
Babies Love Brahms 1 track
Baby Castle 1 track
Baby Music Box 2 tracks
Bella Notte 1 track
Bounce Castle 1 track
Box the Music 3 tracks
CIRQUS 2 tracks
Carillon Musical Box 1 track
D3X73R 1 track
Daisy Radner 1 track
David Aydin 3 tracks
Egil Nielsen 1 track
Frédéric Chopin 1 track
Gobblis 1 track
Golden Music Box 1 track
Gutenacht-Fee Twinklestar 1 track
Hakima Feré 2 tracks
Halldor Waren 1 track
Halloween Music Box 1 track
Irving Simon 3 tracks
Jackie Leon 2 tracks
Jennifer Michaels 2 tracks
Jesse Nielsen 2 tracks
John B. Lund 2 tracks
Joplin Music Box 1 track
Juanta 2 tracks
Justin Tejedor 1 track
Kara Applebaum 1 track
Kawaii Box 3 tracks
Khloe Gardner 3 tracks
Kyoto Music Box Ensemble 2 tracks
LL Kids Nursery Rhymes 1 track
Le Mode 2 tracks
Lena Rivers 2 tracks
Leslie Cyzner 2 tracks
Libby Box 1 track
Louis Carmean 1 track
Louis Pope 3 tracks
Maisy Meadows 3 tracks
Malleteers 1 track
Marble Clouds 3 tracks
Margaret Bloom 2 tracks
Mary Harten 1 track
Mika Nordlind 1 track
Mike Lusty 2 tracks
Miklos Whelan 2 tracks
Mimi Olesen 2 tracks
Music Box 1 track
Music Box Authors 1 track
Music Box Baby Ballerina 1 track
Music Box Carillon 2 tracks
Music Box Dreams 1 track
Music Box Lullabies 2 tracks
Music Box Mania 2 tracks
Music Box Orchestra 2 tracks
Music Box Players 1 track
Music Box Theory 1 track
Music box & co. 1 track
Musical Boxes 2 tracks
Musical Boxes Spieluhren 1 track
Musicbox Moments 3 tracks
Nadine Pilic 2 tracks
Nanny Pim 1 track
Nela Robinson 1 track
Nibble Pig 2 tracks
Palm Tree Music 2 tracks
Phil Counts 3 tracks
Philip Stuart 1 track
Porter Music Box Co 2 tracks
Regina Music Box 2 tracks
Regina Music Box (27 inch) 1 track
Regina Music Box 15.5 Inch 1 track
Regina Music Box 27 Inch 1 track
Relaxation Music Box 1 track
Relaxing Music Box For Babies 2 tracks
Rita Ford's Music Boxes 1 track
Robert Lansky 2 tracks
Robin Swan 1 track
Romeo's Music Box 1 track
Sali Bass 2 tracks
Samantha Ant 1 track
Sara Oh 3 tracks
Serenity Music Box 1 track
Seyp Archipelago 2 tracks
Spencer Common 1 track
Spotty Box 3 tracks
Springs Of Sleep 2 tracks
Sriningsih 1 track
Sunflower Petals 2 tracks
Sweet Dream Lullabies 3 tracks
Sweety Music Box 1 track
Team Harajuku 2 tracks
Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska 1 track
The Baby Plant 2 tracks
The Music Box 1 track
The Musicboxers 2 tracks
Tiny Music Box 1 track
Tisharu Ralokrana 3 tracks
Tom's Music Box 2 tracks
Toy Tones 2 tracks
Traditional 1 track
Un Rose 2 tracks
Unboxed Music 2 tracks
Victorian Musical Boxes 2 tracks
Video Game Music Box 2 tracks
West End Broadway 2 tracks
White Tulip 2 tracks
Wunderkind Classic 2 tracks
Yonezawa Sumitomo 2 tracks
Александр Music Box 2 tracks
オルゴール ミドリ 2 tracks