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The Sound of Spanish Post-Punk

"The Sound of Spanish Post-Punk" brings together a selection of tracks that showcase the evolution and diversity of Spain's post-punk scene. From the dark, moody tones of Décima Víctima and Paralisis Permanente to the raw, energetic sounds of Juventud Juché and Algara, this playlist spans decades of underground creativity. It highlights bands that incorporate coldwave, noise, and electronic elements, such as Antiguo Régimen, Fasenuova, and Wind Atlas, while also including modern acts like Depresión Sonora and Pinpilinpussies, who bring fresh perspectives to the genre.

With a mix of classic cuts and contemporary releases, this collection captures the urgency and experimentation that define Spanish post-punk. Tracks like "De la Monarquía a la Criptocracia" by Triángulo de Amor Bizarro and "Bestia" by Disco Las Palmeras! emphasize the genre’s intensity, while songs from artists like Harakiri Beach and Fatamorgana provide a dreamier, atmospheric balance. Whether driven by icy synths, jagged guitars, or driving rhythms, each song contributes to the ever-evolving identity of post-punk in Spain.

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Algara 3 tracks
Antiguo Régimen 3 tracks
Belako 3 tracks
Belgrado 3 tracks
Capità Pilgrim 2 tracks
Carrera 3 tracks
Ciudad Lineal 3 tracks
Claustrofobia 3 tracks
Coherence 2 tracks
Comando Suzie 3 tracks
DILK 2 tracks
Dead Parties 2 tracks
Depresión Sonora 3 tracks
Derribos Arias 3 tracks
Dewinter 2 tracks
Dexist 2 tracks
Diana Reptiliana 2 tracks
Disciplina Atlántico 2 tracks
Disco Las Palmeras! 3 tracks
Décima Víctima 3 tracks
EME-SX 1 track
El Lado Oscuro de la Broca 3 tracks
Erisian 1 track
Escorpio 1 track
Explosivos Riotinto 2 tracks
Fabuloso Combo Espectro 1 track
Fasenuova 3 tracks
Fatamorgana 3 tracks
First girl on the moon 1 track
Ghost Transmission 1 track
Harakiri Beach 2 tracks
Inerttes 1 track
Jinko Vilova 1 track
Juventud Juché 3 tracks
Keep Out 2 tracks
LINQAE 1 track
Laia Vidal 1 track
Lea Mevel 1 track
Los Claveles 3 tracks
Los Esmiz 2 tracks
Low Blows 2 tracks
Lullavy 1 track
Medievo 2 tracks
Mihassan 2 tracks
Milf Burray 1 track
Mourn 3 tracks
Muerte Mortal 2 tracks
Nelop 1 track
Nice Place 1 track
Niños Pájaro 1 track
Nudozurdo 3 tracks
October People 1 track
Olsen Twinz 1 track
PANE 1 track
Pablo Und Destruktion 3 tracks
Para normales 1 track
Paralisis Permanente 3 tracks
Pararrayos 2 tracks
Pedro Parque 1 track
Pentina’t Lula 1 track
Pinpilinpussies 3 tracks
Pol Pot 1 track
Retirada! 2 tracks
Runa 2 tracks
SERCH. 2 tracks
Somos la Herencia 3 tracks
Tercer Sol 3 tracks
The Lucies 1 track
The Málchico 2 tracks
The Stagpies 1 track
Trajano! 3 tracks
Transposer 1 track
Triángulo de Amor Bizarro 3 tracks
Tuxedo 1 track
Tórtel 1 track
Tú No Existes 2 tracks
Unfollowers 2 tracks
Vuelve Zinc 2 tracks
We Are Not Dj's 1 track
Wind Atlas 2 tracks