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The Sound of Deep Psytrance

Immerse yourself in the hypnotic depths of deep psytrance with this playlist, featuring intricate sound design, pulsating basslines, and trippy atmospheres. Tracks like Pspiralife's "There's No Fucking End" and Hypogeo & Electrypnose's "F__K with the Android" set the tone with dark, rolling energy, while selections from artists like LuneCell, Whitebear, and Terrafractyl introduce melodic textures and cerebral synth work.

With remixes from names like Zeamoon and Virtual Riot adding fresh twists to already mind-bending tracks, this mix is a journey through deep, psychedelic grooves. Expect a blend of progressive, glitchy, and tech-driven elements, found in cuts like "Radioactive.Brain - Myrtox Remix" by Radioactive.Cake, "Overthought" by Slytrance & Onionbrain, and "Matter Is Mind" by Fractal Joke & Dharana. Whether you're looking to zone out or lose yourself on a dancefloor, this selection delivers a layered, immersive listening experience.

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170 1 track
Aewock 2 tracks
Anormic 2 tracks
Au5 1 track
Blatwax 2 tracks
Brujo's Bowl 3 tracks
Chris Rich 1 track
Circuit Bent 2 tracks
CloZee 1 track
Cyk 1 track
Darkol Trinity 4 tracks
Deto & Gleam 1 track
Dharana 1 track
Diffus 2 tracks
Digital Swamp 3 tracks
Dohak 1 track
Doonz 2 tracks
Dual Barrel 1 track
Dual Core 1 track
Electrocado 3 tracks
Electrypnose 2 tracks
Erofex 1 track
Fisheye 1 track
Flicker Light 1 track
Foldy 1 track
Fractal Joke 2 tracks
Frechbax 1 track
Frost Raven 1 track
Fungophago 1 track
Grouch in Dub 1 track
Hellquist 3 tracks
Hidden Soul 1 track
Hypnagog 3 tracks
Hypogeo 3 tracks
Ikona 1 track
Ikpeng 1 track
In'R'Voice 1 track
Infected Mushroom 1 track
Interconnekted 1 track
Interferenz 1 track
Irukanji 1 track
Isaac Chambers 2 tracks
Juelz 2 tracks
Julian Gray 1 track
KUNI 2 tracks
Kaayaas 1 track
Kabi 2 tracks
Kadum 1 track
Kalya Scintilla 1 track
Karev 1 track
Kari 2 tracks
Kaziel 1 track
Komorebi 1 track
Kromagon 1 track
Krumelur 1 track
Lacerta 1 track
Logman N Pstump 1 track
Low Rezolution 1 track
LuneCell 3 tracks
Mandragora 1 track
Mind Paradise 1 track
Minimal Criminal 1 track
Mirror Me 3 tracks
Mojo's Ears 1 track
Mr. Bill 4 tracks
Multi Tul 1 track
Myrtox 3 tracks
Neological Vibration 2 tracks
Neuromodulation 1 track
Onionbrain 4 tracks
Oxya 1 track
Paracozm 3 tracks
Patara 2 tracks
Pick 3 tracks
Planewalker 2 tracks
Product Placement 1 track
Pspiralife 3 tracks
Psypheric 3 tracks
Radioactive.Cake 3 tracks
Reactant 2 tracks
Ryanosaurus 2 tracks
Scionaugh 1 track
Slytrance 3 tracks
Smoke Sign 3 tracks
Sonic Tickle 3 tracks
Space Organ 2 tracks
Spacedragon 1 track
Spacey Koala 1 track
Spoonhead 3 tracks
Static Movement 1 track
Staunch 1 track
Stigmouleur 2 tracks
Synergic 2 tracks
Synthetik Chaos 1 track
Terrafractyl 3 tracks
Theobroma 1 track
Tijah 1 track
Tom Baker 1 track
Tom Cosm 3 tracks
Transcenic 1 track
Tribone 1 track
Unknown Concept 1 track
Urucubaca 2 tracks
Virtual Riot 1 track
Vorg 1 track
Whitebear 3 tracks
Xenoscapes 2 tracks
Zeamoon 1 track
Zentrix 4 tracks