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The Sound of Azeri Alternative

"The Sound of Azeri Alternative" brings together a eclectic mix of contemporary artists pushing the boundaries of Azerbaijan's music scene. Dive into The Half's "Ey Gözəl" for a captivating start and journey through the emotive "Yenə" by Şahin Əlizadə and the resonant "O Gözlər" by AynaBand. As you explore deeper, you'll encounter the poetic rhythms of Azər Cırttan in "Uzağın Bir Adı Var" and the melancholic yet poignant notes of Qara Dərviş's "Yorğun".

This playlist offers a broad spectrum of moods and sounds, from the delicate strains of "Getmə, Qal" by NJ to the more experimental "Parazit" by Bahar. Conclude your auditory adventure with the soothing "Sirr" by Oruc Qazıbəyov and the reflective "Əlvida" by Elçin Elşad. Whether you're into indie vibes, modern rock, or innovative fusion tracks, this collection perfectly showcases the diverse talent thriving in Azerbaijan's alternative music scene.

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AISEL 1 track
AdËstrA 2 tracks
Ahmedowsky Trio 1 track
Ali Faiq Mirzə 2 tracks
Alim Qasimov 2 tracks
Araz Imanov 1 track
AynaBand 3 tracks
Azər Cırttan 1 track
Azər Zeynalov 2 tracks
Bahar 3 tracks
Barss 3 tracks
Brilliant Dadaşova 1 track
CatRollBand 1 track
Charles Bukowski 1 track
Cərəyan 2 tracks
DedeBaba 3 tracks
Dəyirman 3 tracks
Eldar Mansurov 3 tracks
Elçin Elşad 1 track
Elşad Xose 1 track
Emil Afrasiyab 1 track
Emin Jafar 1 track
Fariz Qasımzadə 2 tracks
Gold Baku 1 track
Habib Meerza 1 track
HorizonBand 2 tracks
Jeyhun Samedov 2 tracks
Joseph Abbas 5 tracks
KHADEE 1 track
MadTeen 5 tracks
Mikope 2 tracks
Mübariz Tağıyev 4 tracks
NJ 3 tracks
Neon Sultan 1 track
Neysan 3 tracks
No Land 1 track
Nərmin Məmmədova 2 tracks
Old Baku 1 track
Oruc Qazıbəyov 1 track
Pyraweed 1 track
Qara Dərviş 3 tracks
ROUSTAM 3 tracks
Röya 1 track
Röyal Musa 1 track
Rəssam 5 tracks
Sameoor 1 track
Səba Qafarlı 1 track
The Half 3 tracks
The Muraz 3 tracks
Unformal 1 track
Vahid Həmidov 1 track
Vugarixx 2 tracks
Xpert 1 track
Yuhu 3 tracks
Zəka Zeynalov 3 tracks
tabibyte 1 track
İlham 2 tracks
İlqar Muradov 2 tracks
Şah 2 tracks
Şahin Əlizadə 3 tracks