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The Sound of Beat Italiano

Explore the vibrant world of Beat Italiano with this playlist, a tribute to the lively and spirited Italian rock and pop scene of the '60s and '70s. Featuring iconic bands like I Giganti and I Ribelli, the collection dives deep into the genre’s roots with tracks like "Una ragazza in due" and "Pugni chiusi". You'll discover gems from celebrated acts like Equipe 84 and I Corvi, with songs such as "Io ho in mente te" and "Bang Bang", showcasing the infectious melodies and harmonies that defined the era.

From the heartfelt ballads of Patty Pravo's "La Bambola" to the foot-tapping rhythms of I Quelli’s "Una bambolina che fa no no", this playlist brings together an eclectic mix of classic hits. With contributions from artists like Dik Dik and the New Trolls, there’s no shortage of nostalgic vibes and feel-good sounds. Whether you’re in the mood for a trip down memory lane with Nomadi’s "Io vagabondo" or craving the energetic beats of "Sono tremendo" by Rocky Roberts, this playlist offers a sonic journey through the golden era of Italian music.

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Acqua Fragile 2 tracks
Brunetta 1 track
Bruno Castiglia 2 tracks
Bruno Castiglia e Ibisonti 2 tracks
Caterina Caselli 3 tracks
Clem Sacco 2 tracks
Diego Pepe 1 track
Dik Dik 3 tracks
Dino 1 track
Earl Royce & The Olympics 1 track
Equipe 84 3 tracks
Formula 3 3 tracks
Gene Guglielmi 1 track
Gian Pieretti 3 tracks
Gilsons 1 track
Gli Avvoltoi 1 track
Gli Hugu Tugu 2 tracks
Gli Uh! 2 tracks
Gli spettri 2 tracks
Homo Sapiens 3 tracks
I 5 Monelli 1 track
I Balordi 2 tracks
I Barbieri 1 track
I Barritas 2 tracks
I Bertas 2 tracks
I Bisonti 3 tracks
I Camaleonti 3 tracks
I Campioni 1 track
I Cavernicoli 1 track
I Colours 1 track
I Corvi 3 tracks
I Delfini 3 tracks
I Diavoli 1 track
I Dinamici 2 tracks
I Fenomeni 1 track
I Fuggiaschi 2 tracks
I Giganti 3 tracks
I Kings 2 tracks
I Longobardi 1 track
I Pirati 1 track
I Profeti 3 tracks
I Pyranas 2 tracks
I Quelli 3 tracks
I Ragazzi Del Sole 3 tracks
I Ribelli 3 tracks
I Satelliti 1 track
I Tubi Lungimiranti 1 track
Il Balletto di Bronzo 2 tracks
La Cricca 2 tracks
La Setta 1 track
Le Mini Coopers 1 track
Le Orme 3 tracks
Le Pecore Nere 2 tracks
Le Voci Al Vento 1 track
Mauro Lusini 1 track
Miro Banis E I Transistors 1 track
New Dada 3 tracks
New Trolls 3 tracks
Nico E I Gabbiani 3 tracks
Nomadi 3 tracks
Paolo E I Nordisti 1 track
Patty Pravo 3 tracks
Potage 1 track
Riccardo Del Turco 3 tracks
Riki Maiocchi 3 tracks
Rita Monico 1 track
Roby Crispiano 1 track
Rocky Roberts 3 tracks
Stormy Six 2 tracks
The Motowns 2 tracks
The Primitives 2 tracks
The Red Roosters 1 track
The Rokes 3 tracks
The Showmen 2 tracks
noi tre 2 tracks