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The Sound of Humppa

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Get ready to tap your feet and shuffle along to the infectious rhythms of humppa, the upbeat Finnish dance music known for its lively tempo and distinctive oom-pah beat. "The Sound of Humppa" brings together a collection of traditional and contemporary humppa tracks, featuring classics like "Silmät tummat kuin yö" by Teijo Joutsela and Humppa-Veikot and "Säkkijärven polkka" by Eemeli and Esa Pakarinen, as well as more modern interpretations from artists like Eläkeläiset with "Elän humpalla." Whether it's the spirited folk influences of "Jätkän humppa" by Mutkattomat or the humorous storytelling of "Njet Molotoff" by Solistiyhtye Suomi, this playlist captures the charm and energy of the genre. Perfect for long evenings of dancing or simply enjoying the spirited sounds of Finnish humppa.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Aake Hilden 2 tracks
Ahti Lampi 3 tracks
Allan Tuppurainen 2 tracks
Alpo Pellinen 1 track
Amelita ja Hannele 2 tracks
Anssi Jalonen 2 tracks
Antero Raimo & Ovet 1 track
Arto Nuotio 3 tracks
Auvo Nuotio 2 tracks
Berit 3 tracks
Dallapé 2 tracks
Dallapé-orkesteri 1 track
Diana 1 track
Eemeli 3 tracks
Eero Avén 3 tracks
Eija Sinikka 2 tracks
Eino Lehtinen 3 tracks
Eino Valtanen 3 tracks
Eläkeläiset 2 tracks
Erkki Junkkarinen 3 tracks
Esa Pakarinen 1 track
Esko Koskinen 2 tracks
Hanka-Humppa 1 track
Hanne 3 tracks
Helka Hynninen 2 tracks
Hiski Salomaa 3 tracks
HumppAvanti! 2 tracks
Humppa-Veikot 7 tracks
Humppayhtye Odessa 1 track
Hyvän Tuulen Laulajat 2 tracks
Irwin Goodman 3 tracks
Jarkko Anttila 2 tracks
Jarmo Kalke 1 track
Juha Vainio 4 tracks
Jukka Heino 2 tracks
Jukka Lindfors 2 tracks
Jussi Lammela 2 tracks
Jussi Vihunen & Raimo Vainion Yhtye 1 track
Kari Aro 1 track
Kike Elomaa 3 tracks
Koivisto-Humppa 1 track
Kosti Seppälä 2 tracks
Kullervo Linnan suuri humppaorkesteri 1 track
Lapset 1 track
Leo Kauppi 1 track
M.A. Numminen och hans nyfolkliga allmogeorkester 1 track
Marita Norring 2 tracks
Marja-Liisa 1 track
Martti Huuhaa Innanen 1 track
Martti Siiriäinen 3 tracks
Merja Lehtinen 2 tracks
Mutkattomat 3 tracks
Nylon Beat 1 track
Olli Lohi 2 tracks
Pentti Kumpulainen 3 tracks
Pentti Viherluoto 1 track
Pertti Keihäs 2 tracks
Raimo Piipponen 1 track
Solistiyhtye Suomi 3 tracks
Tarja Ylitalo 3 tracks
Teijo Joutsela 3 tracks
Tippavaaran Isäntä 2 tracks
Trio Saludo 1 track
Tulipunaruusut 3 tracks
Turuttaret 2 tracks
Unto Satoranta 2 tracks
Valtteri Malmivirta 1 track
Veikko Savonen 1 track
Ville Alanko 1 track