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The Sound of Slovak Indie

Dive into the dynamic world of Slovak Indie with this eclectic playlist that showcases the diverse sounds and creative spirit of Slovakia's indie music scene. Featuring tracks like "Time In Space" by Tolstoys and "Dunaj" by Bad Karma Boy, it captures an ambient and introspective vibe perfect for both mellow afternoons and deep contemplations. Get lost in the poetic melodies of Katarina Malikova with "Kolo Nás," while the expressive rhythms of "Bežky" by Monikino Kino bring an upbeat flair to your listening experience.

From the experimental sounds of Nvmeri's "Short of Oxygen" to the narrative-driven "Za Sklom" by Korben Dallas, each track paints a different shade of the indie spectrum. Katarzia's "Milovať S Hudbou" and Leto s Monikou's "Prečo Sa Ešte Bojíš" lend a rich lyrical depth, seamlessly blending traditional influence with modern soundscapes. Whether you're a long-time indie enthusiast or a curious newcomer, "The Sound of Slovak Indie" offers a refreshing exploration of Slovakia's vibrant music landscape.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
52 Hertz Whale 2 tracks
Archívny Chlapec 3 tracks
Ashley Abrman 1 track
Autumnist 3 tracks
Bad Karma Boy 3 tracks
Barbora Bloom 1 track
Billy Barman 3 tracks
Blame Your Genes 1 track
Boy Wonder 1 track
Buy Her Sugar 2 tracks
Chris Ellys 1 track
Congress of the Pigeons 1 track
DJ Spinhandz 1 track
DUHAN 3 tracks
Darkness positive 3 tracks
Dežo Ursiny & Prognóza 1 track
Dievčatá Zo Sľuku 1 track
Dirty Disco Rockers 1 track
Don Chain 1 track
Don't Trust Butterflies 2 tracks
Dope Aviators 1 track
Dymer Surovec 1 track
Ela Tolstova 1 track
Elections in the Deaftown 2 tracks
Eva Susková 1 track
Fresh Out of the Bus 2 tracks
Funny Faces 1 track
Fúzy Múzy 1 track
Genius Locci 2 tracks
Genuine Jacks 1 track
Get Lost, Wire Avenue 1 track
Gladia Moony 1 track
God and Eve 3 tracks
Gwerkova 2 tracks
Half White Half Blue 2 tracks
Home Made Mutant 2 tracks
Hviezda 3 tracks
I Am Planet 2 tracks
Idea 1 track
Jana Kirschner 1 track
Jergus Oravec 2 tracks
Jureš 1 track
Karaoke Tundra 1 track
Karol Miklos 3 tracks
Katarina Korcek 1 track
Katarina Malikova 3 tracks
Katarzia 4 tracks
Kolowrat 3 tracks
Korben Dallas 3 tracks
Kurkus 1 track
Kvety Nikotínu 2 tracks
Kvety v podpaží 1 track
LANNNE 1 track
Lazer Viking 1 track
Leto s Monikou 3 tracks
Longital 3 tracks
Luvver 3 tracks
Marian Slavka 1 track
Marko Damian 1 track
Martin Geišberg 3 tracks
Martin Sillay 3 tracks
Martina Javor 1 track
Matej Klimo 1 track
Miriam & The Quinces 2 tracks
Modre Hory 1 track
Monikino Kino 3 tracks
Nightlines 1 track
No Brake 1 track
Noisecut 3 tracks
Nvmeri 3 tracks
Nylon Union 1 track
Ospalý Pohyb 2 tracks
Panáčik 2 tracks
Papyllon 2 tracks
Paradiso Rhythm 1 track
Patrik Korinok 1 track
Purist 3 tracks
Päfgens 1 track
Queer Jane 2 tracks
Riava 2 tracks
Richard Autner 2 tracks
Robert Pospiš 3 tracks
Rowanna 1 track
SAYS 2 tracks
Saténové ruky 3 tracks
Scott & Zelda 1 track
Sisa Feher 3 tracks
Small Town Life 2 tracks
Solid Move 2 tracks
Sounds Like This 2 tracks
Sto much 2 tracks
Swan Bride 2 tracks
THIS IS KEVIN 3 tracks
Talent Transport 2 tracks
Talkshow 2 tracks
Tante Elze 3 tracks
Teapot 1 track
Teskohippies 1 track
The Curly Simon 4 tracks
The Ills 3 tracks
The Ružbachs 1 track
The Uniques 2 tracks
The Youniverse 2 tracks
Tolstoys 3 tracks
Tono S. 1 track
Tu v dome 1 track
Tugriki 2 tracks
Veneer 2 tracks
Vetroplach 3 tracks
Vladko Mikláš 3 tracks
Vojdi 1 track
Walter Schnitzelsson 3 tracks
Yael 1 track
Zive kvety 3 tracks
Zlokot 3 tracks
Čad 2 tracks
Ľudové Mladistvá 2 tracks