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The Sound of Paidika Tragoudia

The playlist "The Sound of Paidika Tragoudia" is a delightful collection of children's songs showcasing a rich tapestry of playful tunes and comforting melodies. It features charming tracks like "Varkoula Tou Psara" and "Zoum Zoum I Melissa Peta" from Symoni & Lili Efstathiou and The Children's Project, inviting listeners to dive into whimsical narratives brought to life with vibrant storytelling. There are plenty of classics here like "If You're Happy and You Know It - Clap Your Hands" by Zouzounia and "Γυρω Γυρω Ολοι" by The Party Greek Children Songs which ensure that little ones will be clapping and spinning along joyfully.

Amidst the playful beats, there's "Brahm's Lullaby" by Νανουρισματα to provide a soothing respite, perfect for winding down after a day of fun. With a mix of traditional tunes such as "Dili Dili I Kori To Mantili" and playful animal tales like "I Alepou - Pou Na Pige I Mpoumpou" by Mazoo And The Zoo, this playlist is a joyful celebration of sounds for little ears. Whether it's the bright and cheery "To Kokoraki" or the storytelling magic found in tracks like "To liontari kai to pontiki," every song is a piece of a puzzle that builds an engaging and educational musical journey.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Adonis Kodogeorgiou 1 track
Alexia Chrisomalli 1 track
Alkistis Protopsalti 1 track
Antigoni Metaxa 3 tracks
Antonis Kafetzopoulos 3 tracks
Christos G. Papadopoulos 3 tracks
Dimitris Baslam 2 tracks
Dimitris Markatopoulos 3 tracks
Doros Dimosthenous 1 track
Elias Mamalakis 1 track
Fivos Delivorias 1 track
George Hadjipieris 3 tracks
Giannis Agelakas 1 track
Giorgis Christodoulou 1 track
Gogo Riga 1 track
Hahana Kids 3 tracks
Horodia 1 track
Katy Garbi 1 track
Kiki Kapsaski 3 tracks
Lavrentis Machairitsas 1 track
Lena Gianniri 1 track
Lenka Peskou 2 tracks
Mario Frangoulis 1 track
Mariza Koch 3 tracks
Mazoo And The Zoo 3 tracks
Nefeli Fasouli 1 track
Nikoleta Vlavianou 1 track
Nikos Kypourgos 2 tracks
Panos Tsaparas 3 tracks
Pantelis Thalassinos 1 track
Pediki Horodia Spirou Lambrou 5 tracks
Sokratis Malamas 1 track
Spiros Bibilas 2 tracks
Spiros Lambrou 3 tracks
Spiros Sakkas 3 tracks
Spyros Lamprou 1 track
Symoni & Lili Efstathiou 14 tracks
Ta moutrakia 2 tracks
Tasos Ioannidis 3 tracks
Tassos Ioannides 3 tracks
Tatiana Zografou 2 tracks
The Children's Project 14 tracks
The Children’s Christmas Project 2 tracks
The Party Greek Children Songs 2 tracks
Typaldos' Children's Choire 1 track
Zoo Party 2 tracks
Zouzounia 2 tracks
Άγγελος Αγγέλου 1 track
Δανάη Παναγιωτοπούλου 2 tracks
Ευαγγελία Τσιάρα 1 track
Κατερίνα Φωτεινάκη 1 track
Μαρία Θωίδου 1 track
Νανουρισματα 2 tracks
Παιδικά Τραγούδια 3 tracks
Παντελής Ραβδάς 1 track
Στράτος Αχλάτης 1 track
Σωτηρία Ρουβαλή 1 track
Τίμος Δασκαλόπουλος 1 track
Τα Παραμυθια 2 tracks
Χάρης Καβαλλιεράτος 1 track