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The Sound of Hungarian Underground Rap

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Dive into the raw and unfiltered world of Hungarian underground rap with this playlist, featuring a mix of hard-hitting bars, deep lyricism, and gritty beats. From the intricate wordplay of Saiid and Vicc Beatz on "Pszichomatematika" to the streetwise narratives of Bankos in "A Vándor - A Bankos Mappa," these tracks showcase the depth and variety of Hungary’s underground hip-hop scene. Artists like Kool Kasko & Sör És Fű bring a darker, experimental vibe with tracks like "Pavarotti," while Funktasztikus delivers socially charged verses in "Vérzik a szívem."

Blending classic boom-bap influences with modern production, this collection includes contributions from legends and rising voices alike—Sub Bass Monster keeps things old-school with "4 ütem," while newer acts like Slow Village and Gege introduce contemporary flows on tracks like "2000tizenvalahány" and "Nemírokvissza." Whether it’s the battle rap energy of Bloose Broavaz or the introspective storytelling of TKYD in "A Valóság Szerintem," this playlist gives a broad look at the diversity of Hungary’s underground rap scene.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
3,14 3 tracks
4tress 4 tracks
6363 1 track
97inco 1 track
AKR 1 track
Akkezdet Phiai 2 tracks
Antal 3 tracks
Awful 2 tracks
Azahriah 1 track
Azur 1 track
B-közép 1 track
BCK 3 tracks
Baen Mow 1 track
Balek MC 1 track
Bankos 6 tracks
Barbárfivérek 3 tracks
Bigmek 1 track
Bio 1 track
Bio 1 track
Black Ice Almighty 1 track
BlackBelt Poemz 1 track
Bloose Broavaz 3 tracks
Blu 1 track
Bobafett 3 tracks
Bobakrome 1 track
Bupino 2 tracks
Buppa 1 track
Busa Pista 3 tracks
Camarah Walleed 1 track
Copy Con 2 tracks
DJ 50 1 track
DJ Bobby Max 2 tracks
DJ Danetic 1 track
DJ Majestik 1 track
DJ One-Ab 1 track
DSP 3 tracks
DW Underground 1 track
Day 1 track
Dayatlantisz 1 track
Deego 3 tracks
Diggieman 1 track
Dipa 1 track
Dj.Mango 1 track
Domino Uno 1 track
Eckü 1 track
Egyenlők 2 tracks
Egyponthat 1 track
El Magico 1 track
El Magico 1 track
Emese 2 tracks
Erru 2 tracks
Escobar 1 track
Essemm 1 track
Execute 1 track
FAKT 3 tracks
Faktor 1 track
Fangs牙 1 track
Fiatal Veterán 2 tracks
Funktasztikus 4 tracks
Füstös 2 tracks
G.w.M 1 track
Gabó 1 track
Gege 3 tracks
Giaj 2 tracks
Giajjenno 1 track
Gotti 1 track
Gruppen Family 1 track
Hesz Ádám 1 track
Hibrid 2 tracks
HipHop Allstarz 1 track
Hipercsókák 2 tracks
Hírwevők 1 track
ILLusion 3 tracks
Jam Balaya 3 tracks
KBSZ BEATS 1 track
KBXX 1 track
Ketioz 3 tracks
Kontroll 2 tracks
Kool Kasko 3 tracks
Kripton 3 tracks
Krúbi 1 track
Kétházközt 1 track
L.L. Junior 1 track
LA 1 track
LJay 2 tracks
Lacika 1 track
Landi 1 track
Laza Laca 4 tracks
Lezser 1 track
Loco 1 track
LustaBitek 1 track
M-Squad 3 tracks
MC Gőz 2 tracks
Madchild 1 track
Maszkura 1 track
Mentha 2 tracks
Merkules 1 track
Mikee Mykanic 1 track
Mocskos Márka 3 tracks
Monaqee 1 track
Mostly George 1 track
Mr Noun 1 track
Mulató Aztékok 3 tracks
NKS 1 track
NKS 3 tracks
Nick Name 3 tracks
Nomagróf 1 track
Norba 3 tracks
ONE-AB 2 tracks
Ozon 1 track
P' Da Boomhead 4 tracks
P's 3 tracks
PONZA 1 track
Pacek 1 track
Paja-G 2 tracks
Pappa 1 track
Phat 4 tracks
Prock the MC 1 track
Qper 1 track
Rawmatik 1 track
Riddler 2 tracks
Saiid 6 tracks
Scoob Rock 1 track
Sena Dagadu 1 track
Siska Finuccsi 5 tracks
Sixfeet 2 tracks
SkillinJah 1 track
Slow Village 4 tracks
Spock 1 track
Spock X Lezser 1 track
Sraw 1 track
StackOne 2 tracks
Stereo Kollektív 2 tracks
Stick 1 track
Stravin$ky 1 track
Sub Bass Monster 1 track
Sub Bass Monster 1 track
Szikra 1 track
Szirota Jennifer 1 track
Szószólók 1 track
Sör És Fű 5 tracks
TESWÉR 2 tracks
TKYD 6 tracks
TM 1 track
Theshowcrew 3 tracks
Thoma 1 track
Tibbah 1 track
Tink a Mulató Azték 3 tracks
Tirpa 3 tracks
Turan Khan 2 tracks
Tzapa 2 tracks
U.G. 1 track
Vanis 2 tracks
Vanis & Crain 3 tracks
Vicc Beatz 3 tracks
Wanted Razo 2 tracks
Weszélyes Elemek 2 tracks
Xiaoling 2 tracks
YoItzDee 1 track
Zenk 1 track
Zodiac 1 track
Zsolaa 1 track
bongor 2 tracks
csnts 1 track
don C 1 track
el Bago 1 track
frankclear 1 track
pHLaT 4 tracks
streetROYAL 2 tracks
the Drumlord 1 track
zïp 2 tracks
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