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The Sound of West Yorkshire Indie

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RecentMusic users are tracking 52 The Sound of West Yorkshire Indie artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 384 releases .

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Alex Tracey 2 tracks
Berlyn Trilogy 2 tracks
Calina 2 tracks
Clandestines 3 tracks
Courtyards 2 tracks
DeadWax 3 tracks
Distort 2 tracks
Ego States 3 tracks
FLING 2 tracks
Gauranga 2 tracks
Glass Mountain 2 tracks
Growth Spurt 2 tracks
Here's The Steeple 3 tracks
Instant Species 2 tracks
J Reavey Music 2 tracks
James Smith 1 track
Kilnsey Green 1 track
Knuckle 3 tracks
Macroscope 1 track
Martin Creed 1 track
Men in Glass Houses 1 track
Mi Mye 3 tracks
Milloy 1 track
Mr Shiraz 3 tracks
My Wonderful Daze 1 track
Nova Hands 1 track
One Day, After School... 3 tracks
Palmes 1 track
Persian Rug Sale 3 tracks
Piskie Sits 3 tracks
Railroads 1 track
Renegade 2 tracks
Runaround Kids 3 tracks
Samh 3 tracks
Scars On 45 2 tracks
Shake Your Halo Down 3 tracks
Skint & Demoralised 1 track
Tall Order 2 tracks
The Astrids 1 track
The Cribs 3 tracks
The Hobbes Fanclub 1 track
The Hyde 1 track
The Jarrs 2 tracks
The Light Show 1 track
The Orielles 3 tracks
The Scaramanga Six 2 tracks
The Spills 3 tracks
Tiny Planets 2 tracks
V11 1 track
Waiting For Wednesday 1 track
Yard Wars 3 tracks
deepdiver 3 tracks