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The Sound of Taiwanese Indigenous Music

"The Sound of Taiwanese Indigenous Music" showcases the rich, diverse sounds of Taiwan’s Indigenous communities, blending traditional melodies with contemporary influences. This playlist features a mix of folk ballads, tribal chants, and modern interpretations from artists like 陳建年, 巴奈, and 桑布伊. Tracks like "Elders Drinking Song" by 郭英男 and 馬蘭吟唱隊 highlight the deep-rooted storytelling of Indigenous music, while more contemporary pieces such as "不簡單" by BOXING樂團 bring a fresh, modern energy to the scene.

From the soothing harmonies of Taiwu Ancient Ballads Troupe’s "Lulimai" to the soul-stirring performance of Suming’s "【Aka pisawad】不要放棄," this collection offers a journey through the sounds and stories of Taiwan's Indigenous voices. Whether it’s the rhythmic drive of "Tatata 說走就走" by 舞思愛 and 嘎造・伊漾 or the nostalgic tones of "太巴塱民謠" by 陳建年 & 巴奈, this playlist captures the essence of tradition, identity, and musical evolution.

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ABAO 3 tracks
Ado 2 tracks
Alena Murang 1 track
Am合唱團 2 tracks
Ann Bai 1 track
Anu. Kaliting. Sadipongan 3 tracks
BOXING樂團 2 tracks
Bunun布農人 2 tracks
CMO樂團 2 tracks
Cemelesai 2 tracks
Daniel Ho 1 track
Eleng (林瑋琪) 1 track
Enno Cheng 1 track
Ensemble Bayin Chung Yun-hui 2 tracks
Fran 1 track
Jia Jia 1 track
John 1 track
KASIRAW鹹豬肉 2 tracks
Kerekelj 1 track
Kerekelj 禎禎 2 tracks
Kivi 2 tracks
Lazybody 1 track
Luantan Ascent 1 track
MAFANA 2 tracks
Magic Power 1 track
Matzka 2 tracks
Mayday 1 track
N1群星 2 tracks
Natsuko 夏子 1 track
Nina 1 track
Osay Hongay燕春阿嬤 2 tracks
Paliulius 樂團 2 tracks
Sauljaljui 4 tracks
Shuineng Xie 1 track
Somolosolo鄒族古謠隊 1 track
Suming 3 tracks
Taiwu Ancient Ballads Troupe 3 tracks
The Daniel Ho Trio 1 track
Tulbus Mangququ & Bunun Warriors 2 tracks
Yen-J 1 track
一群酒鬼 1 track
交工樂隊 2 tracks
以莉.高露 2 tracks
仲柏曄 1 track
伊斯瑪哈撒嗯.達嗨 1 track
伊祭達道 2 tracks
何祖伶 2 tracks
依法兒 1 track
保卜 巴督路 2 tracks
劉忠厚 1 track
劉翰安 1 track
劉翰安 5 tracks
北原山貓 2 tracks
卓秋琴 2 tracks
卓采妍 1 track
南投卡度部落耆老 1 track
南王姊妹花 3 tracks
吳昊恩 3 tracks
呂金虎 1 track
呂金駿 1 track
嘉木郎 2 tracks
嘎造・伊漾 1 track
嘟敏 2 tracks
嘟萊 2 tracks
大巴六九 1 track
大慶 1 track
孫俊傑 1 track
宜蘭縣崗給原住民永續發展協會 1 track
少妮瑤∙久分勒分 1 track
巴奈 3 tracks
巴賴 2 tracks
布農傳統音樂團 2 tracks
張傑 1 track
張志偉 1 track
張惠仙 2 tracks
張意皎 1 track
張文翰 2 tracks
張福剛 1 track
彼得落烏嘎 1 track
徐詣帆 1 track
徹摩 2 tracks
拉卡‧巫茂 2 tracks
拿莫・伊漾 1 track
撒布洛 1 track
方聖傑 1 track
曾碧妹 1 track
李世民 1 track
杜蕙如 1 track
林孟君 1 track
林少鈞 1 track
林廣財 2 tracks
林慶台 1 track
林欣雲 1 track
林源傑 1 track
林生祥 2 tracks
林秀金 1 track
林青雲 1 track
查勞.巴西瓦里 3 tracks
查瑪克‧巴阿立佑司 2 tracks
桑布伊 3 tracks
桑梅絹 2 tracks
梁秋妹(米次古) 2 tracks
楊子駿 2 tracks
歐開合唱團 2 tracks
沈皖宜 Iwan Hagay 1 track
沐妮悠 2 tracks
泰武國小排灣兒童合唱團 2 tracks
湯姆與哈克 2 tracks
潘千樹 1 track
潘金英 2 tracks
煉丹小童 1 track
玉米 2 tracks
王宏恩 2 tracks
王榆鈞 1 track
王秋蘭(愛靜) 3 tracks
琳恩雅 2 tracks
瑪雅 1 track
瑪雅 2 tracks
生祥樂隊 2 tracks
紀曉君 2 tracks
羅思容與孤毛頭樂團 2 tracks
羅美玲 1 track
翁志文 1 track
胡德夫 2 tracks
胡翠雲 2 tracks
舒喆 1 track
舞思愛 2 tracks
舞炯恩 2 tracks
芮斯 2 tracks
荻部絲 2 tracks
莊瑜姍 1 track
董事長樂團 2 tracks
董恩慈 1 track
董美妹 1 track
蕭智允 2 tracks
袁百宏 1 track
謝俊銘 1 track
謝銘祐 2 tracks
農村武裝青年 2 tracks
迪路 3 tracks
追風少女FALI 2 tracks
達卡鬧 2 tracks
邱軍 1 track
郭明龍 2 tracks
郭英男 2 tracks
金照明 1 track
阿美族民歌 1 track
阿美族馬蘭部落 1 track
阿莉亞 2 tracks
陳俊輝 3 tracks
陳宏豪 2 tracks
陳建年 4 tracks
陳建年 feat.曾秋勝 1 track
陳建年&巴奈 1 track
陳文華 1 track
陳松柏 1 track
陳永龍 5 tracks
陳淑君 1 track
陳金龍 1 track
陽紹傑 1 track
雅維·茉芮 Yaway·Mawring 2 tracks
馬耀.喇外 1 track
馬薩路樂團 1 track
馬蘭吟唱隊 4 tracks
馬賽羅賓 1 track
駱羿 1 track
高勇成 1 track
高英傑 1 track
黃珮舒 1 track
黃韻齡 1 track
黃韻齡 3 tracks