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lofi Jazz 🎷

Step into the relaxed world of "lofi Jazz 🎷", a playlist meticulously crafted for the lovers of smooth beats and jazz-infused soundscapes. This collection is a deft mix of chill vibes and lo-fi jazz tracks that promise to soothe your soul and elevate your work or study sessions to a serene plane. Featuring standout pieces like "Divine Melody" by Lil Gromit and Chill Select and the mellow grooves of "Golden Hour", each track is an invitation to unwind amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Dive deeper into the playlist and you'll find "Tea time", setting the perfect ambiance for those introspective moments, or "Deep Space", offering a sonic journey meant to spark your imagination. Whether you're looking to lose yourself in the chill realms of "Lost In Thought" or seeking a companion for your late-night musings with "It's Late", this playlist encapsulates a myriad of moods under the lofi jazz umbrella. Wrapped up with the smooth flow of tracks like "Sofa" and "Daydreams", "lofi Jazz 🎷" is your go-to soundtrack for calming vibes and jazzy beats.

RecentMusic users are tracking 175 lofi Jazz 🎷 artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 13,443 releases .

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7&Nine 1 track
77th Man 2 tracks
AK420 1 track
Aican 1 track
Alcynoos 4 tracks
Ale Fillman 3 tracks
Alys Good 2 tracks
Angry Apple 1 track
Aoko 2 tracks
Artur PRK 1 track
Atamatoki 1 track
Basic Beats 2 tracks
Ben Jammin' Beats 11 tracks
Ben Rijkmans 3 tracks
Bensa Beats 3 tracks
Bertram Kvist 2 tracks
Big O 1 track
Bn Hl 1 track
Bogomolove 2 tracks
Byjoelmichael 1 track
Chill Select 92 tracks
Coloured Rocks 1 track
Dani Catalá 1 track
Danonthestrings 1 track
David Tam 1 track
Dmnnce 1 track
Dpsht 1 track
Easy Deviance 1 track
Erwin Do 12 tracks
F_rlan 1 track
Frances The Mute 1 track
Fred Paci 6 tracks
Funky Fella 1 track
GANØN 1 track
Gabb. 1 track
Gandhaar Amin 1 track
Gatz2Gatz 1 track
Goson 1 track
Guidolain beats 3 tracks
Guy Rickard 1 track
Hakuuro 1 track
Half Blue 1 track
Hanni 1 track
Happytear 1 track
Hayjee 5 tracks
Hewie Lou 1 track
Hoogway 1 track
Howiewonder 1 track
Howtodie 2 tracks
Hypntc 1 track
IONA 1 track
Illuzionary 4 tracks
J Fletch 1 track
Jam'addict 1 track
Jason Masoud 3 tracks
JazzyHan 4 tracks
John Lee 1 track
Jokujekku 1 track
Kiabits 4 tracks
Kiik 1 track
Kilohertz 1 track
Kimo 1 track
King I Divine 1 track
Kokomiko 1 track
Komachi 2 tracks
Korey Wade 1 track
Lamar Azul 1 track
Late Night Tones 1 track
Lazy Elias 1 track
Lemeria 1 track
Lenny B 7 tracks
Leo Franciozi 1 track
Leo G 1 track
Leo Low Pass 1 track
Leo Motta 2 tracks
Lil Gromit 1 track
Lo-Five 2 tracks
Lock 1 track
Lofries 1 track
Lotus Beats 2 tracks
Louis Desca 1 track
Lowkey 1 track
Luke Pickman 1 track
Lvnt 1 track
Mad Seedling 1 track
Mister Decaf 4 tracks
Monocloud 4 tracks
Monsieur Teddy 4 tracks
Mr Mantega 1 track
Mr. Jello 1 track
MyceliumBug 1 track
Naomy Morena 1 track
NickyDiesel 3 tracks
Nilok 1 track
Noé Mina 1 track
O F F 1 track
O. Cas 1 track
Oddability 1 track
Ogi Feel the Beat 2 tracks
Ol Wallace 1 track
Pabzzz 2 tracks
Parental 2 tracks
Parogno 1 track
Paul Indigo 1 track
Paxkalito 1 track
Pevanni 1 track
Phlocalyst 1 track
Picture Talk 1 track
Porcel 1 track
Pryces 1 track
Psylone 1 track
QUEMIST 1 track
Raul Coca 1 track
Raven Paradox 1 track
Rhesa Siregar 1 track
Rigid Moods 1 track
Rémi Cormier 1 track
SYNC.EXE 1 track
Sam Cross 3 tracks
Shin-Ski 8 tracks
SicknessMP 1 track 1 track
Simber 2 tracks
Sineg 1 track
SkiDs 2 tracks
Solrakmi 1 track
Spective 1 track
Stizzzy 1 track
Strong Maurice 2 tracks
Suede Wallet 1 track
Summerfields 1 track
Sunset Hunter 1 track
TAKESY 1 track
TSK 1 track
Takada Fu 1 track
Taloha Beats 5 tracks
The Aether 1 track
Theo Juarez 1 track
Thorn.vii 3 tracks
Tibeauthetraveler 1 track
Tolan 1 track
Toti Cisneros 5 tracks
Umnose 1 track
Vannorte 1 track
Viktor Minsky 1 track
WanderLight 6 tracks
Wild Sonics 4 tracks
YJKL 1 track
alhivi 2 tracks
berj 2 tracks
betahost 1 track 1 track
créature sonore 3 tracks
deadxbeat 1 track
droemsk 1 track
jakohitsdifferent 1 track
jelaquest 4 tracks
jüle. 2 tracks
kozebeats 1 track
lightheart 5 tracks
lilaclaza 1 track
m.sorlii 1 track
mpbanga 1 track
mvnitou 3 tracks
mädmäx 1 track
pumpkin seeds 1 track
sad.exe 1 track
saint rumi 1 track
sao kzu 1 track
sea. 1 track
seekx 1 track
sushileaf 1 track
very noise person 1 track
yungmerrin 4 tracks