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The Sound of Svensk Indie

Vibrant and diverse, "The Sound of Svensk Indie" is a deep dive into the eclectic world of Swedish indie music. This playlist brings together a collection of tracks that epitomize Sweden's knack for crafting infectious melodies and heartfelt lyrics. From the jangly guitars and catchy rhythms of This Perfect Day's "Fishtank" to the playful whimsy of Suburban Kids With Biblical Names' "Rent A Wreck," each song weaves its own unique story. Dive into the reflective tones of Ronderlin’s "Reflected," or bask in the feel-good vibe of Leslies' "Happy."

The playlist also takes you through more pensive atmospheres, such as the gentle soundscapes of Laurel Music’s "No One Wants Forever #2" and the emotional resonance of "He Loves Anna" by Waltz for Debbie. Whether you’re in the mood for the jangly charm of Pineforest Crunch's "Cup Noodle Song - Radio Version" or the introspective musings in Edson’s "Sunday, Lovely Sunday," this playlist covers the wide spectrum of emotions and sounds that define Swedish indie. Take an aural journey through these melodic treasures and experience the captivating warmth of the Swedish indie scene.

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A Shrine 2 tracks
Action Biker 2 tracks
Afraid of Stairs 3 tracks
Airliner 3 tracks
Aquadays 1 track
Backfish 2 tracks
Bad Hands 1 track
Bergman Rock 2 tracks
Blithe 2 tracks
Bring Me The Fucking Riot... Man 1 track
CDOASS 1 track
Cake On Cake 1 track
Carpet People 2 tracks
Chime Topgyal 1 track
Cinnamon 3 tracks
Cloudberry Jam 3 tracks
Cobolt 2 tracks
Cod Lovers 2 tracks
Convoj 1 track
Corduroy Utd. 2 tracks
David Fridlund 2 tracks
Dreamboy 2 tracks
Dub Sweden 2 tracks
Easy 2 tracks
Edson 3 tracks
Empire Dogs 1 track
Eric Malmberg 2 tracks
Existensminimum 1 track
Fidget 1 track
Fint Tillsammans 2 tracks
First Floor Power 3 tracks
Gustav & The Seasick Sailors 1 track
Happy Go Lucky 1 track
Happydeadmen 2 tracks
Heikki 2 tracks
Her Majesty 2 tracks
Holiday With Maggie 2 tracks
Honey is Cool 3 tracks
Honeymoons 1 track
Jettie 2 tracks
Joachim Leksell 1 track
Johan Borgert & Holy Madre 2 tracks
Johan Hedberg 3 tracks
Keep Company 1 track
Lacrosse 2 tracks
Laurel Music 3 tracks
Leslies 3 tracks
Little Big Adventure 2 tracks
Little Marbles 2 tracks
Little Red Snapper 2 tracks
Loosegoats 3 tracks
Loveninjas 3 tracks
Mazarine Street 1 track
Melpo Mene 2 tracks
Mixtapes & Cellmates 1 track
Monastir 2 tracks
Montys Loco 1 track
Most Valuable Players 2 tracks
Mufflon 5 3 tracks
Naked 1 track
Ola Joyce 1 track
Park Hotell 1 track
Paus 2 tracks
Pelle Carlberg 3 tracks
Penny Century 2 tracks
Permer 2 tracks
Pineforest Crunch 2 tracks
Popundret 3 tracks
Portrait Painters 1 track
Radio LXMBRG 1 track
Ronderlin 3 tracks
Run Forrest! 1 track
Russian Red 1 track
Salty Pirates 1 track
Seashells 2 tracks
Shotgun Crackers 1 track
Sonjagon 1 track
Souls 2 tracks
South Ambulance 3 tracks
Speaker 2 tracks
Starlet 3 tracks
Stevepops 1 track
Suburban Kids With Biblical Names 3 tracks
Svensk Pop 1 track
Sweet Chariots 2 tracks
Talking To Teapots 2 tracks
The Bernadottes 1 track
The Berndt 1 track
The Chrysler 1 track
The Confusions 1 track
The Drowners 2 tracks
The Facer 1 track
The Fine Arts Showcase 2 tracks
The Lost Patrol 2 tracks
The Lost Patrol Band 2 tracks
The Mopeds 2 tracks
The Pusjkins 2 tracks
The State Of Samuel 2 tracks
The Sweptaways 1 track
Theoretical Girl 1 track
This Perfect Day 3 tracks
Tommy 16 2 tracks
Tribeca 3 tracks
Tupelo Honeys 2 tracks
Waltz for Debbie 3 tracks
Wan Light 3 tracks
Waterbug 2 tracks
Whyte Seeds 1 track
Yvonne 3 tracks