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The Sound of Rock Mineiro

"The Sound of Rock Mineiro" is a carefully curated playlist that captures the vibrant and diverse soundscape of Minas Gerais' rock scene. This collection of tracks features talented artists like Tianastacia with their energetic jam "Cabrobro," and Pato Fu's thought-provoking piece "Sobre o Tempo" from their album "Gol de Quem?". The rich guitar riffs from Cartoon's "Abre Seu Olho, Irmão" and the dark themes in Green Morton's "The Snitch" infuse this mix with intensity and depth. Exploring the more melodic avenues, songs like "Sutilmente" by Skank and "Só Hoje" by Jota Quest bring a catchy, pop-rock vibe to the playlist.

Further diving into this sonic journey, expect to encounter the exploratory sounds of Issorock in "Sdds Pazuzu" and the heartfelt collaborations in Wilson Sideral and Rogerio Flausino's "Essas Canções de Amor (Não Reclamo)." With tracks like Oceania's "Ammunition" and Alexandre da Mata's bluesy "Big Legged Woman," the playlist spans a broad spectrum of traditional and modern rock influences. Whether you're into emotive storytelling, experimental sounds, or straightforward rock anthems, "The Sound of Rock Mineiro" reflects the dynamic nature of the region's music scene, effortlessly blending various styles and themes for a comprehensive listening experience.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
14 Bis 3 tracks
Absinto Muito 1 track
Adrianna 1 track
Affonsinho 1 track
Aggeu Marques 1 track
Aldan 2 tracks
Alexandre da Mata & the Black Dogs 2 tracks
Andre Ribeiro 1 track
Atalanta 3 tracks
Borba 2 tracks
Bronnco Billy e os Mangas Coloradas 2 tracks
Bud Pump. 1 track
Carne Nua 3 tracks
Cartoon 3 tracks
Chula Rock Band 2 tracks
Concreto 3 tracks
Cálix 3 tracks
Código B 3 tracks
Daniel Lima 3 tracks
Dead Lover's Twisted Heart 1 track
Desorquestra 3 tracks
Devise 3 tracks
Dias de Truta 4 tracks
Dolores Dolores 2 tracks
Donavon Frankenreiter 1 track
Elephant Casino 2 tracks
Fabi Metzker 1 track
Falcatrua 2 tracks
Fernado Thomé 1 track
Fernando Motta 1 track
Fodastic Brenfers 2 tracks
Francisco Garcia 1 track
Fusile 1 track
Fábio Della 1 track
Fábio de Carvalho 2 tracks
Gamp 2 tracks
Gleyson Fonseca 1 track
Green Morton 3 tracks
Grenat 1 track
Grupo Porco 2 tracks
Guizão Drumond 1 track
Irene Dias 3 tracks
Issorock 3 tracks
JACK BORIS 1 track
Jota Quest 3 tracks
Kkfos 1 track
Landau 2 tracks
Laso 1 track
Lava Divers 2 tracks
Ledjembergs 1 track
Lili Band 1 track
Lobos De Calla 1 track
Lorena Amaral 1 track
Low Mantra 2 tracks
Lívia Itaborahy 1 track
MaUrinho e os MaUditos 3 tracks
Macaco Véi 1 track
Malvina Lacerda 1 track
Marcelo Ricardo 1 track
Marcus Viana 2 tracks
Maurinho Berrodagua 1 track
Mentol Trio 1 track
Metais do Skank 1 track
Minero 1 track
Miêta 3 tracks
Monocine 1 track
Novell 1 track
O Grito 1 track
OTSD 2 tracks
Oceania 3 tracks
Os Gringos 1 track
Pato Fu 3 tracks
Paula Santoro 1 track
Pelos 2 tracks
Pequeno Céu 2 tracks
Play 1 track
Porcas Borboletas 1 track
Preto Massa 2 tracks
Péricles Garcia 4 tracks
Radiotape 1 track
Rafa Giácomo 2 tracks
Ricardo Penido 1 track
Riviera 2 tracks
Roberta Campos 1 track
Roboto 3 tracks
Rogerio Flausino 1 track
SadBoots 2 tracks
Sagrado Coracao da Terra 2 tracks
Santo Forte 1 track
Scarcéus 2 tracks
Shiron the Iron 3 tracks
Skank 3 tracks
Soft Maria 3 tracks
Somba 3 tracks
Tapetes Persas 2 tracks
Tempo Plástico 2 tracks
The Junkie Dogs 2 tracks
The Spacetime Ripples 2 tracks
Tianastacia 3 tracks
Treze Provisorio 1 track
Udora 3 tracks
Valsa Binária 1 track
Vigaros 1 track
Wanderson Ferreira 1 track
Wilson Sideral 3 tracks
Ysee 1 track
Zeca Baleiro 1 track
Zonbizarro 3 tracks
pata 1 track