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The Sound of Cantonese Worship

"The Sound of Cantonese Worship" brings together an eclectic mix of spiritually uplifting songs perfect for quiet reflection or harmonious gatherings. The playlist kicks off with "我向祢禱告" by Son Music and Brenda Li, setting a serene tone that flows seamlessly into tracks like "我要一生一世住在你聖殿" by 玻璃海樂團 and Airy Chan, and "更深愛祢" by RedSea Music and Nicole Lee, which express a deep longing and devotion. With tracks like "全因為袮" by 鄧婉玲 and "奇妙十架" by Carlos Choi, this compilation marks moments of contemplative worship with powerful lyrics and soothing melodies.

As you delve deeper into the playlist, you'll encounter a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary worship music. The inclusion of songs like "以愛還愛" by 謝文雅 and Jay Fung and "相信就是答案 (粵)" by JNX Worship offers a diverse musical landscape that's both inspiring and calming. Demo tracks such as "榮雨降下 - Demo" by Milk&honey Worship and flow church provide a raw, yet heartfelt vibe. Whether you're familiar with Cantonese worship or exploring it for the first time, this playlist offers an inviting tapestry of faith-driven music that resonates across different moods and moments.

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611 Worship 2 tracks
ACM 少年詩班 2 tracks
ACM 聯合詩班 2 tracks
ACM兒童詩班 2 tracks
ACM詩班 1 track
Airy Chan 1 track
Asher Chan 1 track
Black Moon 2 tracks
Brenda Li 7 tracks
Cantonhymn Worship Team 1 track
Carlos Choi 2 tracks
Cephas Shek 1 track
Chen Zhiming 1 track
Dan Li 1 track
Daniel Chu 1 track
Endless Worship 無盡敬拜 1 track
Flyers 1 track
Gabby Yeung 1 track
HKACM 3 tracks
Hot Worshipper 1 track
Immersio 3 tracks
JNX Worship 3 tracks
Jay Fung 1 track
Joshua Kwan 1 track
KEC Worship 歌鄰敬拜 2 tracks
Karessa 1 track
Kenneth Ng 伍家驊 1 track
Kings & Priests 2 tracks
Lori Wai 1 track
MMP Group 1 track
Manting Lee 1 track
Matthew Li 2 tracks
Mic 好耶音樂 1 track
Milk & Honey 1 track
Milk&honey Worship 3 tracks
Nicole Lee 1 track
Passion for worship 2 tracks
Peco Chui 1 track
Ray@佳音使團 1 track
RedSea Music 3 tracks
Renee Chan 1 track
Son Music 4 tracks
Son Music 華語敬拜 2 tracks
TBM 3 tracks
Victor Kong 3 tracks
Worship Nations 1 track
Xaris 1 track
flow church 1 track
flow church 流堂 3 tracks
三吉 1 track
三藩市角聲使團 1 track
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何翠環 1 track
劉哲 1 track
劉沙崙 1 track
原始和聲 1 track
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呂宇俊 1 track
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孫耀威 1 track
張崇德 2 tracks
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沿海敬拜 2 tracks
波佬 1 track
王美清 1 track
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玻璃海樂團 3 tracks
甄燕鳴 1 track
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袁思穎 1 track
角聲使團 3 tracks
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鄧婉玲 5 tracks
鄭楚萍 1 track
锺舒漫 1 track
關承浩 1 track
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