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The Sound of Scottish Hip Hop

"The Sound of Scottish Hip Hop" is a robust journey through the vibrant and varied landscape of hip hop from Scotland. Anchored by tracks like "Rewind" from Steg G and the Freestyle Master and "Drive It Like It Stolen" by Werd (SOS), this playlist showcases the gritty poetry and unique beats that define the genre.

You'll hear powerful narratives in songs like "My Nation" by Madhat Mcgore and "Schemes" by Steg G & The Freestyle Master, while tracks such as "Soul U Gotz?" by mISTAh bOhzE and "War" by Kid Robotik and MΣGΛ bring an energetic punch. As you dive deeper, discover introspective tunes like "Raindropsbrainbox" by Solareye and anthems like "Son I Voted Yes" by Stanley Odd, illustrating the complexities and diverse sounds of Scottish hip hop.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Akil Jurassic 5 1 track
Amense MC 1 track
Andy Bruce 1 track
Anne 1 track
Ant Tomaz 1 track
Are.U.Really.Alive? 2 tracks
Asthmatic Astronaut 1 track
Beit Nun 1 track
Big Shamu 2 tracks
Blasfima Sinna 4 tracks
Britizen Kane 1 track
Butterscotch 1 track
CHLOBOCOP 2 tracks
CRPNTR 2 tracks
Cauld Cauldron 2 tracks
Cctv 1 track
Ciaran Mac 1 track
Colonel Mustard & The Dijon 5 2 tracks
Conscious Route 3 tracks
DJ Sonny 1 track
DJ Sonny 1 track
Deeko 1 track
DoItAll 1 track
Eastborn 1 track
Edgar Allen Floe 1 track
Eyesluvsu 1 track
Flux Pavilion 1 track
GMO 1 track
Gasp 3 tracks
Hector Bizerk 3 tracks
Hudson Mohawke 2 tracks
Jackal Trades 3 tracks
Jo D`arc 1 track
Josephine Sillars 1 track
K9 Kev 2 tracks
Kayak 1 track
Kayce One & Toni Smoke 2 tracks
Kid Robotik 4 tracks
King Response 1 track
Klashnekoff 1 track
Kobi Onyame 1 track
Krack Free Media 1 track
Lewis Findlay 1 track
Logik 1 track
Lucky Boy 1 track
Lude 1 track
Lynzie Dray 1 track
M.anifest 1 track
MOG 2 tracks
Madhat 3 tracks
Madhat Mcgore 5 tracks
Mariz Jusay 1 track
McRoy 2 tracks
McRoy 1 track
Megamegaman 1 track
Miles Better 1 track
Mistah Bohze 1 track
Mvcc 2 tracks
MΣGΛ 2 tracks
Nasty P 2 tracks
Natrill 1 track
Nikki Nair 2 tracks
Nostal 1 track
Oakzy B 2 tracks
Orry Caren 1 track
Perfect Practice 2 tracks
Petrelli Brothers 1 track
Profisee 1 track
Ransom Fa 3 tracks
Rds 1 track
Riddlah 2 tracks
SANTU 1 track
SWVN 3 tracks
Sacre Noir 1 track
Sarah Smith 1 track
Scott Bathgate 1 track
Sean Focus 1 track
Sherbit 1 track
Sherlock 1 track
Shogun 4 tracks
Shy & DRS 1 track
Silibil N' Brains 2 tracks
Solareye 3 tracks
Spawn Zero 3 tracks
Spring Break 2 tracks
Stanley Odd 3 tracks
Steg G 3 tracks
Steg G & The Freestyle Master 3 tracks
Stephany Buniel 1 track
Stone Bench 1 track
Stonez The Riddlah 1 track
Stutter Jack 1 track
Supermann on da beat 1 track
Symba 2 tracks
Tayla Parx 1 track
Teejay Mack 1 track
Texture 3 tracks
The Despicables 1 track
The Girobabies 3 tracks
Tickle 1 track
Turkish Dcypha 1 track
Typikal 1 track
Vagrant Real Estate 2 tracks
Verse One 1 track
Wardie Burns 2 tracks
Wardie Burns & Uvbeatz 3 tracks
We Looked Like Giants! 1 track
Wee D 2 tracks
Wends 1 track
Werd 1 track
Werd (SOS) 7 tracks
Wombat 1 track
Wraith 1 track
Young Fathers 2 tracks
ZambianAstronaut 1 track
d'breaker 1 track
mISTAh bOhzE 3 tracks
the Freestyle Master 1 track