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The Sound of Pony

"The Sound of Pony" is a vibrant and eclectic mix that captures the whimsy, nostalgia, and depth found in pony-inspired tunes. This playlist brings together an array of melodies and beats, from the jazzy swing of "Fly Like You" by The Wasteland Wailers to the more intense rhythms of "L_st-_N-D_ta (Destabilize Pt. 2)" featuring Vylet. Each track offers a unique vibe, whether it's the uplifting harmonies in "Best Of Friends" by Faulty and John Kenza or the mysterious allure of "Lunar Eclipse II" by Frozen Night.

Listeners can expect a journey through various genres, ranging from the playful tones of "Pinkie Bard" by Koa to the introspective feel of "Reflections Of Myself" by Totalspark. Tracks like "Join the Herd" by Forest Rain offer a community feel, while "Technicolor Paradise" provides an experimental flair. There’s even room for the epic, with songs like "Rainbow Factory" by GLAZE and WoodenToaster. "The Sound of Pony" is perfect for anyone looking to immerse themselves in a world of music that's as imaginative and diverse as the fandom it celebrates.

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"Elena Of Avalor" Cast 1 track
1004lights 1 track
43chord 1 track
4everfreebrony 7 tracks
AJ Young 3 tracks
Acarcion 1 track
Agatan 1 track
Age of Vinyl 2 tracks
AnNy Tr3e 1 track
Andy Feelin 1 track
Anton Maryin 1 track
Apple Jack 4 tracks
Applebloom 2 tracks
Arabesque Sympony 1 track
Asicnar 1 track
Aurelleah 2 tracks
Awkwerd 1 track
BlackIceMusic 3 tracks
Blackened Blue 2 tracks
Blitzy 1 track
BlueBrony 3 tracks
Boyle 1 track
Brittney Ackerman 1 track
BroniKoni 1 track
Butterflight 1 track
ButterflyIdentity 1 track
Caedon Hawk 1 track
Camelia 1 track
Canvas 2 tracks
Capper (Taye Diggs) 1 track
Captain Celaeno 1 track
Cast - Tangled 1 track
Celica Soldream 1 track
Cgscrambles 1 track
Chichi 1 track
Cody Sorenson 2 tracks
Cosmic Fox 3 tracks
Countess Coloratura 1 track
Crystal Slave 1 track
DJ Pon-3 1 track
DJT 2 tracks
Da Wi-Fi 1 track
Daniel Ingram 2 tracks
Daniel Millward 1 track
Darkspeen Shore 1 track
Decibelle 2 tracks
Diamond Tiara 1 track
Dijit 2 tracks
Dionte George 1 track
DivinumX 1 track
Drummershy 2 tracks
Eile Monty 2 tracks
EileMonty 1 track
Elemn 1 track
Elias Frost 1 track
Elsie Lovelock 1 track
Envia Sun 1 track
Ethan Toavs 1 track
Ever After High 1 track
Exiark 1 track
ExplodingPonyToast 1 track
Farisha 1 track
Faulty 3 tracks
Flittzy 2 tracks
Fluttershy 3 tracks
Foozogz 2 tracks
Forest Rain 2 tracks
Francis Vace 2 tracks
Frozen Night 3 tracks
GLAZE 2 tracks
Garrison Ulrich 2 tracks
GatoPaint 1 track
General Mumble 5 tracks
GhostXb 1 track
Gloriosa Daisy 1 track
GrazySmash 3 tracks
Hay Tea 2 tracks
Haymaker 1 track
Hearse Percy 1 track
Homage 1 track
Hoofy 1 track
Iblank2apples 1 track
J.Free 2 tracks
Jensen Stiles 1 track
John Kenza 6 tracks
Jyc Row 2 tracks
Kadenza 1 track
Keisha Sounds 1 track
Kevin 1 track
KeyBird 1 track
Khaliber 2 tracks
Kholat 3 tracks
Koa 13 tracks
Koron Korak 1 track
Lavender 1 track
Lix 1 track
Lucas Gimeno 1 track
LutariFan 1 track
MC-Arch 2 tracks
MEQA 2 tracks
MandoPony 1 track
Mane In Green 1 track
Mantlegen 2 tracks
MathematicPony 1 track
Mattel 1 track
Megan McDuffee 1 track
Mei 1 track
Melody Sky 1 track
MemJ0123 1 track
Metajoker 4 tracks
Michael Picher 2 tracks
Milkymomo 1 track
Mizu 1 track
Monster High 1 track
Mullet 1 track
My Little Pony 12 tracks
Mylo The Kidd 1 track
N. Hollow 2 tracks
N4ghtwolf 1 track
Namii 3 tracks
Namii 2 tracks
Natus 1 track
NeverLastStanding 2 tracks
Nicolas Dominique 1 track
Nitchi Poni 1 track
Noam Kaniel 1 track
Nola Klop 1 track
Odyssey Eurobeat 1 track
OhPonyBoy 1 track
Osoch 1 track
P1K 1 track
PSFMer 2 tracks
Paloris 5 tracks
PegasYs 4 tracks
Pinkie Pie 4 tracks
Plum Creek Rhythm Section 1 track
Ponyphonic 1 track
Princess Cadance 1 track
Princewhateverer 8 tracks
Protocat 1 track
Quadrivia 3 tracks
Queen Chrysalis 1 track
Quicksilver 1 track
R3ctifier 1 track
RKDM 3 tracks
Radiarc 2 tracks
Rainbow Dash 4 tracks
Rapunzel 1 track
Rarity 3 tracks
Re:Make 1 track
RedSpark 2 tracks
Redhose 1 track
Rhyme Flow 1 track
Rockin'Brony 1 track
RoomVR 3 tracks
Royalpony 1 track
SDreamExplorerS 1 track
SaxPon3 1 track
Scootaloo 1 track
Seventh Element 1 track
Shelley Harland 1 track
ShobieShy 1 track
Single Purpose 2 tracks
Sky Runner 1 track
Soundnix 3 tracks
Spike 1 track
Spittle 1 track
Stahl 1 track
StealingShad3z 3 tracks
StrachAttack 2 tracks
Sunset Shimmer 1 track
Suskii 2 tracks
Sweetie Belle 1 track
Synthis 3 tracks
TCB 2 tracks
Tempest Shadow (Emily Blunt) 1 track
ThatMusicBrony 4 tracks
The Dazzlings 1 track
The Horse Agrees 1 track
The L-Train 6 tracks
The Rainbooms 1 track
The Wasteland Wailers 2 tracks
TheMusicReborn 2 tracks
TheWanderingKit 2 tracks
Thrasher 2 tracks
Totalspark 2 tracks
Tripon 2 tracks
Trixie & The Illusions 1 track
Tw3Lv3 3 tracks
Twilight Sparkle 2 tracks
UndreamedPanic 2 tracks
Varian 1 track
Velvet R. Wings 2 tracks
bank pain 2 tracks
eksoka 1 track
fractilx 1 track
lia;quo 2 tracks
mikuma 2 tracks
replacer 2 tracks