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The Sound of Laulaja-lauluntekijä

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"The Sound of Laulaja-lauluntekijä" is a deep dive into Finnish singer-songwriter music, bringing together heartfelt lyrics and carefully crafted melodies. This playlist highlights a wide range of artists, from the introspective storytelling of Ylva Haru on "Uuden Alku" to the classic charm of J. Karjalainen’s "Mennyt mies". There are collaborations like Topi Saha and Anna Puu’s "Pirun ikävä" and Antti Pouta featuring Ylva Haru on "Sanat ei auta yhtään", adding layers of emotion and depth.

Blending folk, pop, and rock influences, the playlist moves from Ville Leinonen’s soulful "Anna rakas raju hetki" to the raw energy of Samae Koskinen’s "Haistakaa persettä". Tracks like Jukka Nousiainen’s "Suuret Unelmat" and Joose Keskitalo’s "Tietoisuus" showcase a more alternative, indie-folk side of Finnish songwriting. Whether it’s the delicate balladry of Miia Junes' "Virta" or the rich storytelling of Jarkko Martikainen’s "Valssi tanssitaidottomille", this playlist captures the essence of modern Finnish singer-songwriters.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Anna Kokkonen 2 tracks
Anna Puu 1 track
Annika Pudas 2 tracks
Antero Lindgren 1 track
Antti Autio 3 tracks
Antti Kleemola 2 tracks
Antti Pouta 3 tracks
Asla Jo 1 track
Assi Musa 1 track
Aukusti Koivisto 2 tracks
Dave Lindholm 3 tracks
Gabriel Yacoub 1 track
J. Karjalainen 3 tracks
Jari Kekäle 1 track
Jarkko Martikainen 3 tracks
Joose Keskitalo 3 tracks
Joy Regwan 2 tracks
Jukka Nousiainen 3 tracks
Jussu Pöyhönen 2 tracks
Kalle Ahola 1 track
Kerkko Koskinen 2 tracks
Kielo Kärkkäinen 3 tracks
Konsta Hietanen 2 tracks
Laura Sippola 1 track
Maritta Kuula 2 tracks
Marja Mattlar 1 track
Markus Perttula 3 tracks
Matti 2 tracks
Mia 1 track
Miia Junes 3 tracks
Miisamaria 1 track
Mika Nuorva 1 track
Mikko Harju 2 tracks
Mikko Kuustonen 1 track
Mirkka 2 tracks
Niko Tiuraniemi 1 track
Ninni Poijärvi 3 tracks
Patrice Clémentin 1 track
Pekka Tapani 1 track
Pietari Savolainen 1 track
SUAD 2 tracks
Samae Koskinen 3 tracks
Satu Lii 3 tracks
Sonja Tammi 1 track
Suvi Isotalo 1 track
Suvi Karjula 2 tracks
Tanja Ilona 1 track
Tanja Torvikoski 1 track
Timo Kiiskinen 2 tracks
Toivo Susi 1 track
Tommi Kalenius 4 tracks
Topi Saha 3 tracks
Tuure Kilpeläinen 3 tracks
Vili Mustalampi 2 tracks
Ville Leinonen 3 tracks
Ylva Haru 4 tracks