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The Sound of Wrock

Dive into the world of wizard rock with "The Sound of Wrock," a playlist packed with spellbinding tunes inspired by the Harry Potter universe. Featuring fan-favorite acts like Harry and the Potters, The Whomping Willows, and The Parselmouths, this collection covers everything from house pride anthems to deep-cut character studies. Whether it's the mischief of Draco and the Malfoys, the whimsy of The Moaning Myrtles, or the heartfelt storytelling of Lauren Fairweather, this playlist showcases the creativity and passion of the wrock scene. Sit back, grab a butterbeer, and enjoy a journey through Hogwarts and beyond.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Amontiock 1 track
Ashley Hamel 2 tracks
Avbyte 1 track
Bonnie Socha 1 track
Bradley Mehlenbacher 1 track
Chameleon Circuit 1 track
Chloe Ament 1 track
Christian Calderia 1 track
Curt Mega 2 tracks
Darren Criss 2 tracks
Dawlish and the Archies 1 track
Diagon Alley 2 tracks
Dr. Noise 1 track
Draco and the Malfoys 3 tracks
Dylan Saunders 1 track
Gadding With Ghouls 2 tracks
Gred and Forge 2 tracks
Hank Green 3 tracks
Harry and the Potters 3 tracks
Hawthorn and Holly 3 tracks
Hildegard von Blingin' 1 track
Hogwarts Hotel 1 track
Hogwarts Trainwreck 3 tracks
Jaime Lyn Beatty 4 tracks
Jim and The Povolos 2 tracks
Joey Richter 5 tracks
Jon Cozart 2 tracks
Joseph Walker 2 tracks
Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills 2 tracks
Kingsley and the Shacklebolts 2 tracks
Kirstyn Hippe 3 tracks
Lauren Fairweather 3 tracks
Lauren Lopez 3 tracks
Lena Gabrielle 2 tracks
LetsNotMedia 2 tracks
Madam Pince and the Librarians 3 tracks
Mary Kate Wiles 1 track
Mc Kreacher 2 tracks
Megathruster 2 tracks
Meredith Stepien 1 track
Ministry of Magic 3 tracks
Muggle Relations 2 tracks
Not Literally 2 tracks
Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls 3 tracks
Original Cast of Firebringer 1 track
Percy and the Prefects 2 tracks
Pussycat Dolores 3 tracks
RapeSnapeEscape 2 tracks
Ravenclaw 1 track
RiddleTM 3 tracks
StarKid 3 tracks
Swish and Flick 3 tracks
Switchblade Kittens 1 track
The Blibbering Humdingers 3 tracks
The Butterbeer Experience 3 tracks
The Cruciatus Curse 1 track
The Firebolts 1 track
The Giant Squidstravaganza 1 track
The Hinky Punks 3 tracks
The House Of Black 3 tracks
The Lovegoods 3 tracks
The Moaning Myrtles 4 tracks
The Mudbloods 3 tracks
The Parselmouths 3 tracks
The Ravenclaw Revolution 1 track
The Remus Lupins 3 tracks
The Space Tour Cast 3 tracks
The Swedish Shortsnouts 4 tracks
The Weasel King 3 tracks
The Whomping Willows 3 tracks
Tom Felton 1 track
Tonks & the Aurors 3 tracks
Totally Knuts 2 tracks
Whitney Avalon 1 track