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The Sound of Xinyao

"The Sound of Xinyao" is a charming collection of heartfelt and melodious tracks that perfectly embody the spirit of Singapore's xinyao music movement. This playlist features iconic songs such as 巫啟賢’s "太傻" and Kit Chan's emotional "心動," each offering a unique taste of the local Mandarin pop scene. With contributions from renowned artists like 颜黎明 and 梁文福, the playlist takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through themes of love, friendship, and reflection.

It's a celebration of diverse voices and timeless melodies that resonate deeply, just like 梁素珊's evocative "最後的一首歌" and the gentle strains of 黄譓頳's "初涉." Tracks like "亚答籽" by 翁素英 and 蔡振雄 lend a touch of singalong fun, while "和平的呼唤" by 雅韻小組 calls for unity and harmony. Each song is a glimpse into a world where simple stories and complex emotions intertwine, making this playlist a must-listen for those keen on exploring the rich tapestry of xinyao music.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
Bonnie Loo 4 tracks
Boon Hui Lu 1 track
Desmond Ng 1 track
Elton 李泓伸 3 tracks
J.En Cheo 1 track
Jeremy Chan 1 track
Joi Chua 1 track
Kelvin Tan 3 tracks
Kit Chan 3 tracks
Roy Li 3 tracks
Tay Kewei 1 track
刘琼婷 1 track
刘瑞政 3 tracks
刘雪芳 2 tracks
合唱 2 tracks
吳慶康 3 tracks
吴佳明 1 track
周瑋賢 1 track
地下鐵 3 tracks
崇喆 1 track
巫啟賢 3 tracks
林峻民 1 track
林明倫 2 tracks
林昭宇 1 track
梁愫珊 1 track
梁文福 3 tracks
梁素珊 1 track
水草三重唱 3 tracks
洪劭軒 4 tracks
湯薇恩 3 tracks
潘盈 3 tracks
王邦吉 2 tracks
翁素英 2 tracks
胡佳嬑 1 track
胡佳琪 1 track
蔡振雄 2 tracks
許南盛 2 tracks
謝慧嫻 Stella 3 tracks
跳動律 1 track
邓妙华 2 tracks
鄧淑嫻 3 tracks
陳世維 1 track
陳欣淇 2 tracks
陳美心 1 track
雅韻小組 1 track
露菲 1 track
顏黎明 1 track
颜黎明 3 tracks
馬毓芬 1 track
黃宏墨 3 tracks
黃超群 1 track
黄譓頳 2 tracks