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The Sound of Rap Catarinense

Explore the vibrant and dynamic world of Brazilian rap with "The Sound of Rap Catarinense" playlist, a curated selection that showcases the diverse talent and creativity bubbling from Santa Catarina. Featuring collaborations from renowned artists like BK, Menestrel, and Makalister, this collection highlights tracks that are both gritty and thought-provoking, such as "Poetas no Topo 1" and "Montparnasse, São José." Dive into tracks like "Soldado Raro" by Jovem Esco and Yung Buda or sway to the rhythms of "Futón - Efieli Remix (Instrumental)" for an instrumental experience.

The playlist continues to impress with the deep lyrical storytelling of songs like "Os Cacos Que Fui Me Fizeram Outro" by Kodak Ninja & Urso em Mandarim, and "Como É Triste Ver Alguém Ir Embora" by Beli Remour. For those looking for energetic beats and urban vibes, tracks like "Fazendo Dinheiro" by MC Versa and Valle RAP’s "Nada Contra" offer a pulsating groove. Let "The Sound of Rap Catarinense" take you on a journey through the unique and evolving landscape of Brazilian hip-hop, where every track tells a story and each verse carries a piece of the culture.

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1LUM3 1 track
47 Linhas 1 track
Aka Rasta 1 track
Amozz 2 tracks
BA$A 1 track
BC Raff 1 track
BK 1 track
BREEZE 1 track
Badejah 2 tracks
Baldin 2 tracks
Beli Remour 9 tracks
Berc7e 1 track
Beto Cardoso 1 track
Ca-zlu 3 tracks
Caime 2 tracks
Chri$$$ 1 track
DIEGO SILVA61 1 track
DJ CIA 1 track
DJ Monkey 1 track
DaHiLL 2 tracks
Dado Soul 1 track
Dagrace 1 track
Dalla 1 track
Davi0la 2 tracks
Djonga 1 track
Doodex 1 track
Drope 1 track
Dvvi 2 tracks
ELB 1 track
ELBVLP 1 track
Easy Money 2 tracks
Efieli 3 tracks
Eltin 4 tracks
Emilia 1 track
EstiloLivreBiggs 3 tracks
F. Costa 2 tracks
FAL 5 tracks
FRAJ 2 tracks
Família ZL 1 track
Flora Cruz 1 track
Florence Lil Flowers 1 track
Franzoni 1 track
GGOSS 4 tracks
Gabriel Sten 1 track
GabrielCaminha 1 track
Gaman 1 track
Gera Cappadona 1 track
Godo 1 track
Goldacker's Records 2 tracks
Grego Jardim 3 tracks
Guh 1 track
Guiga 1 track
Guilhott 1 track
Heróis de Ninguém 1 track
Homar M$ 1 track
Ian Fabris 1 track
Ingles 1 track
JXNV$ 1 track
Jailhouse 2 tracks
Janaína Jascone 2 tracks
Johnny Bertoni 1 track
Jovem Esco 3 tracks
Ju Sofer 1 track
Juju Rude 1 track
Jão 1 track
KARMORA 1 track
Kalyu 4 tracks
Karma VLP 2 tracks
Katari SC 2 tracks
Kevin Wiliam 1 track
Kia Sajo 1 track
Kodak Ninja & Urso em Mandarim 3 tracks
LF Beats 5 tracks
Laurinho Linhares 1 track
Lil Soda Boi 1 track
MC Versa 4 tracks
MUSSA 2 tracks
Mahara Zavodne 2 tracks
Makalister 1 track
Makalister 9 tracks
Mara Sarva Truta 1 track
Marinoski 1 track
Mariá Mond 1 track
Marrom 1 track
Maydana 4 tracks
Menestrel 1 track
Mittor 1 track
Mokados Crew 4 tracks
N$W 2 tracks
Negro Rudhy 4 tracks
Neto S. 1 track
Nicz 1 track
Niggahboy 1 track
Nowzias 1 track
OG Martan 1 track
Ogaia 1 track
Ojizzy 1 track
Olvr Rapha 1 track
Otti mc 1 track
Palavra Feminina 2 tracks
Paulo Drama Mc 2 tracks
Pdr Crew 2 tracks
Pena 1 track
Pepito 1 track
Pierrxt 1 track
Pikena Ketty 1 track
Pineapple StormTv 1 track
Popó Moreira 1 track
Preto Dimi 5 tracks
Pâmela Dantas 1 track
RFL 2 tracks
Rael LDC 1 track
Re Moraes 1 track
Re.Significa 1 track
Rec Jay 1 track
Reis do Nada 4 tracks
Rodrigo Zin 1 track
S.K.I 1 track
SadxSenpai 1 track
Sant 1 track
Saíbe 1 track
Shaw 1 track
SixKush 1 track
Skills Boy 4 tracks
Slim Beat 1 track
Slow Gang 2 tracks
Smoke 1 track
The Boy 1 track
Trama Feminina 1 track
UFL-GANG 1 track
Ukah 1 track
Umteto 3 tracks
Umteto & Caru 1 track
Valle RAP 5 tracks
Viana ZL 1 track
Vk 1 track
Wagner Kchaça 2 tracks
Young Daddy 1 track
Yung Buda 1 track
baldi 9 tracks
faRa 1 track