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The Sound of Indie Arequipeño

"The Sound of Indie Arequipeño" is a mix of indie sounds from Arequipa's diverse music scene, pulling in elements from rock, funk, punk, and experimental styles. This playlist brings together tracks like La Merka’s introspective "EL TIEMPO," the raw emotion of Detonador’s "Ángel," and the funky energy of R4DIO FUNK’s "Tempestad." It also includes underground staples like Southern Lions' "Cancer" and Inhala’s atmospheric "TIEMPO MUERTO," capturing the spirit of independent music in the region.

With a blend of driving punk rhythms from Los Flechados, the melodic depth of Andrea Vizcarra’s "La Ciudad," and the heavier tones of Chaska’s "Imperio Caído," this collection showcases the variety within Arequipa’s indie movement. Whether it’s the alternative grooves of Katana Funk, the anthemic rock of IDILIO, or the fusion sounds of Killary’s "Mix de Tinkus," the playlist offers a broad snapshot of the city’s evolving music identity.

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4to Piso 1 track
Afrodisiaco 1 track
Andrea Vizcarra 3 tracks
Antihéroes 3 tracks
Arcadia Rebels 3 tracks
Audiomanía 2 tracks
Baião 3 tracks
Barajo 2 tracks
Baretto 1 track
Camila Salas 2 tracks
Carga Ligera 2 tracks
Catulu 1 track
Charlie Parra del Riego 1 track
Chaska 2 tracks
Comfuzztible 2 tracks
Cool Heros 3 tracks
César Deglane 2 tracks
De la Riva 2 tracks
Def Callery 1 track
Detonador 3 tracks
Doctor Beat 2 tracks
Dr. Beat 1 track
Dr. DiDi 2 tracks
EGEO 3 tracks
El Estéreo Tipo 3 tracks
El Lienzo Cian 1 track
El Viaje de Oslo 3 tracks
Em Virginia 1 track
Entrenieblas 2 tracks
Extasis XTS 2 tracks
FAE 1 track
Fertakiri 2 tracks
Fobya 1 track
Freak 2 tracks
Go Icarus 2 tracks
Hernan Valente de Cadena Perpetua 1 track
Hombre del Espacio 2 tracks
Homenaje a Arequipa 1 track
Hubeycase 1 track
Huguito Irrizarri de Doble Fuerza 1 track
IDILIO 3 tracks
Inhala 3 tracks
Katana Funk 3 tracks
Killary 2 tracks
LOS TEXAO 2 tracks
La Caja De Szyszlo 3 tracks
La Merka 3 tracks
La Subversiva 3 tracks
La Terminal 1 track
La ciudad Negra 2 tracks
Levoth 1 track
Li$ergico 1 track
Limerencia 1 track
Lionel 1 track
Liria 1 track
Los Death Monkeys 3 tracks
Los Farris 1 track
Los Flechados 3 tracks
Los Headphones 1 track
Los Monkiss 1 track
Los Reales Duberos del Sur 2 tracks
Los Texao 1 track
Los Viralatas 3 tracks
Lucciano Brandino 2 tracks
Mandra 3 tracks
Masturbanda 3 tracks
Mike Valderrama 2 tracks
Mordaza 1 track
Morosso 3 tracks
Mula muerta 3 tracks
Naiden 3 tracks
OUIJA 3 tracks
Oniria 2 tracks
Orquídea 1 track
Pablo Málaga 2 tracks
Paulo Morales 1 track
Peaton 3 tracks
Peter Pedro 2 tracks
Pi 3.14 3 tracks
Pray 4 Us 2 tracks
R4DIO FUNK 3 tracks
Ramón Carbajal 1 track
Reverb Chamber 1 track
Ricardo Brenneisen 1 track
Robi Muñoz 1 track
Roncha Kills 1 track
Sadder Ccama 3 tracks
Sempiterno 23 2 tracks
Southern Lions 3 tracks
Steel Sword 1 track
Stimson 1 track
The Play 2 tracks
Vida en Marte 3 tracks
Vudú 2 tracks
Vértigo 1 track
XDinero 3 tracks
Yago 3 tracks