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The Sound of Brazilian Experimental

Get ready to dive into the eclectic, ever-evolving world of Brazilian experimental music with the playlist "The Sound of Brazilian Experimental." This diverse collection of tracks showcases some of the most avant-garde and boundary-pushing sounds emerging from Brazil. From the whimsical melodies of Ana Frango Elétrico's "Insista Em Mim" to the atmospheric layers of Cadu Tenório's "The Samurai Who Smells of Sunflowers," each track is a testament to the genre's rich tapestry.

Expect to explore an auditory landscape replete with everything from the sonic textures of Tantão e os Fita's "Ich Bin Der Fluss - Frontinn Remix" to the rhythmic intensity of Chelpa Ferro's "Epidemia de Dança." "Altos Traumas" by Satanique Samba Trio injects a hint of the bizarre, while Thomash's "Cosmosamba" takes you on a cosmic samba journey. Whether it's the spiritual journey of Mbé and Juçara Marçal's "Cerimônia" or the surreal soundscapes of Jocy de Oliveira's "Onírico," each track invites you to question and appreciate the multifaceted soundscape of contemporary Brazilian experimental music.

RecentMusic users are tracking 121 The Sound of Brazilian Experimental artists for new releases, and have access to the full timeline of 931 releases .

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ASSHAKE 2 tracks
Acessórios Essenciais 2 tracks
Afro Hooligans 2 tracks
Alcyr Vergetti 1 track
Ana Frango Elétrico 4 tracks
Anders Vestergaard 1 track
Arthur III 2 tracks
Arto Lindsay 1 track
Arubu Avua 2 tracks
As Amigas de Plástico 3 tracks
As Ganhadeiras de Itapuã 1 track
Babe, Terror 2 tracks
Baby Hitler 2 tracks
Barulhista 3 tracks
Bemônio 1 track
Bené Fonteles 3 tracks
Bodes & Elefantes 3 tracks
Bruno Belluomini 2 tracks
Bruno Real 2 tracks
Cabelo Cobra Coral 1 track
Cadu Tenório 3 tracks
Ceticências 3 tracks
Chelpa Ferro 3 tracks
Chico Correa 3 tracks
Cornelius 1 track
Cæs 2 tracks
Domingo Blanco 2 tracks
Fabio Machado 1 track
Fabriccio 1 track
Fausto Fawcett 1 track
Felappi 1 track
Fernando Visockis 2 tracks
Formafluida 2 tracks
Four Tet 1 track
Frontinn 1 track
GEO 1 track
Gabriela Riley 1 track
Giant Gutter From Outer Space 2 tracks
God Pussy 1 track
Gorilla Brutality 1 track
Gui Amabis 3 tracks
Guilherme Kastrup 1 track
Heitor Dantas 2 tracks
Holocaos 2 tracks
I Buried Paul 2 tracks
INFARRT 1 track
Iridescent 1 track
Isabella Lauermann 1 track
Jocy de Oliveira 1 track
Jonas Engel 1 track
Jorge Antunes 2 tracks
João Cassiano da Silva Bisneto 1 track
Juçara Marçal 5 tracks
Kid From Amazon 2 tracks
Kovtun 2 tracks
Lars Bech Pilgaard 1 track
Le Frit 1 track
Leozzone 1 track
Lucas dos Prazeres 1 track
Luiza Prado 1 track
Luizinho do Jêje 1 track
Lydia Kavina 1 track
M. Takara 3 tracks
Marcela Lucatelli 2 tracks
Marcello Callado 1 track
Marco Scarassatti 3 tracks
Marginal Men 1 track
Mariá Portugal 1 track
Matheus Padoca 1 track
Matschulat 1 track
Mbé 3 tracks
Melies 1 track
Missiles at a Wedding 1 track
Muepetmo 1 track
Música de Selvagem 1 track
Nara Gil 1 track
Neguim Beats 1 track
Nvblado 3 tracks
Objeto Amarelo 3 tracks
Orlando Costa 1 track
Paulo Dandrea 1 track
Pigmalião 3 tracks
Priscilla Ermel 3 tracks
Projeto Mujique 2 tracks
QRG 1 track
Radiola Serra Alta 3 tracks
Raf F Guimarães 3 tracks
Ricardo Dias Gomes 3 tracks
Ricardo Donoso 1 track
Rob Mazurek 1 track
Rodrigo Gallardo 1 track
Romulo Alexis 2 tracks
Ruido de Maquina 1 track
Rumbo Reverso 1 track
Ruxell 1 track
Satanique Samba Trio 3 tracks
Seixlack 1 track
Sentidor 3 tracks
Sobre a Máquina 1 track
Som Peba 1 track
Tantão 1 track
Tantão e os Fita 3 tracks
Tetine 3 tracks
The Innernettes 1 track
The Wolfpack Journey 1 track
Thiago Nassif 3 tracks
Thomash 1 track
Tim Bernardes 1 track
Ubunto 3 tracks
Uru Pereira 2 tracks
Valesuchi 1 track
Verjault 1 track
Vitor Brauer 3 tracks
Yan Higa 1 track
^L_ 1 track
deb 1 track
gorduratrans 1 track
grassmass 1 track
thingamajicks 1 track