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The Sound of Macau Pop

"The Sound of Macau Pop" is a vibrant collection capturing the essence of contemporary pop music from Macau. This playlist serves up an eclectic mix of upbeat anthems and reflective melodies, with tracks like "青春快門" by 劉藴晴 Rachel setting an energetic tone. Fans of soft pop will enjoy "凝望你消失 See You" by Daze in White and "浮光" by 陳倚俐, which blend soothing vocals with mellow instrumentation. For something more dynamic, "You Can't Stop Me" by 石裂符 and "Macau Sã Assi" by Tuna Macaense provide exhilarating beats that capture the local spirit.

The playlist doesn't shy away from exploring deeper emotions with songs like "逾期記憶" by 李曉慧, providing a heartfelt vibe, and "夢樂園" by 張宇敏, which offers a dreamy escape. Collaborations such as "Sweetened Cream" by 施奕存 and 林靜翬 winifai, add a charming layer of harmony, while "壞蛋爬爬走" by 澳門人樂隊 brings a playful touch. From catchy hooks in "Kiss U 2Nite" by 歐陽日華 and CØNIL LEI to the smooth flow of "整好" by 殷巧兒, "The Sound of Macau Pop" is an excellent start for anyone looking to explore the thriving pop scene in this vibrant city.

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Playlist Artists Spotify Logo
AJ 2 tracks
Bobo Loi 2 tracks
B記 3 tracks
Catalyser 3 tracks
Catalyzer 1 track
CØNIL LEI 1 track
Daze in White 3 tracks
Eva Lam 1 track
Forget the G 2 tracks
JM.Icarus 1 track
Jun Kung 3 tracks
Neo Red 1 track
Roberto Madan 3 tracks
Soler 3 tracks
Tomy Ho 1 track
Tuna Macaense 2 tracks
Willy Tjen ft. 百強 1 track
Yoyo Sham 1 track
任施思 1 track
任施思@100Plus & Rappers@佰家樂團 1 track
伽納 1 track
何佰 3 tracks
何恩琪 1 track
何芯柔 1 track
佩男 1 track
依娃 1 track
劉宇亨 1 track
劉藴晴 Rachel 3 tracks
劉蘊晴 2 tracks
加蔥 1 track
古卓文 2 tracks
吳昕芳 1 track
吳杭捷 3 tracks
呂倩彤 1 track
周佩英 2 tracks
唐藝 1 track
單行道 1 track
嚴小慧 1 track
大頭 1 track
孫曉晴 1 track
孫鳳明 2 tracks
康芳瑄 1 track
廖偉龍 1 track
廖偉龍 3 tracks
張宇敏 3 tracks
戴顯揚 1 track
施奕存 3 tracks
施朗明 1 track
施連奴 1 track
施連奴 1 track
曾惠鍵 1 track
曾穎璇 2 tracks
李嘉雯 1 track
李曉慧 1 track
李曉慧 2 tracks
李曉慧 2 tracks
李連錦 1 track
林丹娜 1 track
林靜翬 winifai 1 track
梁健邦 2 tracks
梁建邦 1 track
歐陽兆樺 1 track
歐陽兆樺 1 track
歐陽日華 1 track
歐陽日華 1 track
殷巧兒 1 track
温欣 1 track
澳門人樂隊 1 track
澳門演藝人 1 track
灰藍氣球 1 track
田娜 1 track
百強 1 track
石裂符 4 tracks
祖絲 1 track
祖絲 1 track
福島章嗣 1 track
禤泳倫 3 tracks
程文政 1 track
羅佩君 1 track
羅嘉豪 1 track
蔡國柱 3 tracks
蘇耀光 1 track
譚婉鈴 1 track
豪Dee 1 track
貳拾壹克 1 track
賴珍珍 2 tracks
趙倪生 1 track
趙崇灝 1 track
趙崇灝 1 track
趙祟灝 1 track
陳倚俐 3 tracks
陳淑賢 1 track
雷子Loiz.P 1 track
青原 1 track
顏可欣 1 track
馬曼莉 4 tracks
馮柏林 1 track
麥愷迪 2 tracks
黃崢偲 1 track
黃曉晴 1 track