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The Sound of ZXC

"The Sound of ZXC" captures the raw energy and melancholic essence of the underground ZXC and phonk-inspired scene. This playlist blends moody, emotional tracks like FLOWERBOY's "I Do It to Myself, and I Do It Too Well" and hahapoison's "I Love/Hate Myself" with dark, atmospheric beats from artists like Tsunami J. and TWISTED on "Starfall - Remix." Russian underground influences also make an appearance with haunting tracks like ROSCOSH's "У меня в руках ножи" and Климлордс' "Ничтожество," adding to the playlist's brooding aesthetic.

From gritty, distorted beats to introspective, pain-laced lyrics, "The Sound of ZXC" embodies late-night introspection, internet-era isolation, and the DIY spirit of emerging digital subcultures. Whether it’s the aggressive energy of Lil Rage and nev ver’s "DIE! DIE! DIE!" or the somber reflection of daniel silver’s "Now That You're Gone," this mix dives deep into the genre’s signature themes of self-destruction, nostalgia, and raw emotion.

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$nigg 1 track
5MIRKY 1 track
5sta Family 1 track
6extermination 1 track
Big Roshi 2 tracks
BlazzerFox 2 tracks
Braxton Knight 1 track
Cairn 3 tracks
Cheyenne Died 1 track
Crystal Plug 1 track
DGold 3 tracks
Dacdplays 2 tracks
Dan Korshunov 1 track
Dominick Weeks 1 track
ERLAX 1 track
Ethan Ross 1 track
FLOWERBOY 3 tracks
H8.HOOD 1 track
ILLAH 2 tracks
K11ng 3 tracks
KOI 1 track
Kade McAlli 1 track
Katy Rose 1 track
Kirin 1 track
Kobenz 1 track
LXVME 1 track
Lil Agony 3 tracks
Lil Crinj 3 tracks
Lil Rage 3 tracks
Loser 1 track
Lucid Ecstasy 2 tracks
Maelstorm 1 track
Murphsk8s 2 tracks
NIKXR 2 tracks
NUEKI 1 track
NVS Lord Ken X 1 track
Original God 1 track
Owlneverdie 2 tracks
Pasteldrip 3 tracks
Product of Pain 3 tracks
ROSCOSH 3 tracks
RainingOnRoses 3 tracks
STERVELL 1 track
Sai 2 tracks
Sepha. 1 track
Shyler 3 tracks
SpaceMan Zack 1 track
Starats 2 tracks
Stephany Joanna 1 track
Sunken Eye 3 tracks
TWISTED 1 track
Texako 1 track
Three AM Fuxk 3 tracks
Timzo 1 track
Tsunami J. 3 tracks
Venom 2 tracks
Vino Tarantino 2 tracks
Weepingwolf 1 track
Xeno 1 track
YCK 2 tracks
Yeat 1 track
Yourmomlikesmymusic 2 tracks
Yuyu Rosemary 1 track
azulaqueen 2 tracks
boiscry 2 tracks
convolk 1 track
cxld smxke 2 tracks
daniel silver 3 tracks
daniels gone 1 track
dope17 1 track
dylan xo 1 track
emjaay 3 tracks
eyescry 1 track
hahapoison 3 tracks
heffy 2 tracks
iluvtora 3 tracks
motyaim322 2 tracks
my drug addiction 3 tracks
nervexx 1 track
nev ver 1 track
nevi 1 track
shiawase 1 track
shinra 3 tracks
soap. 1 track
sorrowhy 2 tracks
whatsaheart 1 track
xanxan 1 track
xxxmanera 2 tracks
Øneheart 1 track
АДЛИН 2 tracks
Апатия 1 track
Видеокассета Твоих Родителей 1 track
КОНВИРСЫ 2 tracks
Килджо 1 track
Климлордс 2 tracks
Ошибся номером 3 tracks
Рюдзи 1 track
Фонкер Кирюша 1 track
Эмпи 1 track
билборды 3 tracks
наше последнее лето 3 tracks
пачкасигарет 3 tracks