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The Sound of Turkish Experimental

"The Sound of Turkish Experimental" playlist is a deep dive into the innovative and eclectic sounds emanating from the Turkish experimental music scene. This collection assembles avant-garde tracks that push the boundaries of conventional music, featuring artists like Replikas with "Yaş Elli", where unconventional structures meet traditional influences, and Nekropsi's "Çarşı", which offers a raw, electrifying sonic experience. Tracks like "Clouds in My Room" by Reverie Falls On All deliver an ethereal ambiance, while "Kara Araba" by DANdadaDAN layers electronic textures over rhythmic complexities.

From the haunting remix of "Ağlaya Ağlaya" by Ahmet Kenan Bilgiç and Playjoy to Tolga Tüzün and Ezgi Daloğlu's reflective "Coming out - 2021 Remaster", the playlist offers an array of auditory explorations. "Edirne - Ankara" by Alper Maral and Mert Topel gives a rhythmic journey that mirrors geographic transitions, and İlhan Mimaroğlu's "Part I" presents a historical nod to agitprop music. Whether it's the minimalist elegance of "Still Numbers" by Ekin Fil or the conceptual depths of Osman Kaytazoglu’s "The Monopoly of Victim Status", this playlist curates a unique soundscape that captures the essence of Turkish experimentalism.

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2/5bz 1 track
Ahmet Kenan Bilgiç 3 tracks
Akın Eldes 1 track
Alex Sopp 1 track
Alper Maral 3 tracks
Alper Yılmaz 1 track
Anadol 3 tracks
Antoine Beuger 2 tracks
Armonycoma or slt 2 tracks
Asaf Zeki Yüksel 1 track
Ağaçkakan 1 track
Barış Doğukan Yazıcı 2 tracks
Barış Ergün 2 tracks
Başar Ünder 3 tracks
Beste Su Bayramoğlu 1 track
Beth Meyers 2 tracks
Bewitched As Dark 1 track
Bulut Gülen 2 tracks
Burkhard Schlothauer 2 tracks
Burçin Elmas 1 track
Bülent Arel 3 tracks
Can Kozlu 1 track
Can Memişoğulları 1 track
Cem Güney 2 tracks
Cenk Ergün 2 tracks
Cevdet Erek 3 tracks
Cihan Gülbudak 2 tracks
D2GG 1 track
DANdadaDAN 3 tracks
Ekin Fil 3 tracks
Ella Zwietnig 1 track
Emre Malikler 1 track
Engin Recepoğulları 2 tracks
Erdem Helvacioğlu 3 tracks
Ezgi Daloğlu 2 tracks
Germaine Sijstermans 2 tracks
Gorali 2 tracks
Grey McMurray 1 track
Gökçen Kaynatan 2 tracks
HVO Orchestra 1 track
Harmondia 1 track
Ipek Gorgun 1 track
Ispanak 1 track
Jason Treuting 2 tracks
KAITO 1 track
KAOSMOS 1 track
Kerim Safa 1 track
Konjo 1 track
Koray Kantarcıoğlu 2 tracks
Korhan Erel 1 track
LudoWic 1 track
Lydia Haurenherm 2 tracks
Marcus Kaiser 2 tracks
Meczup 2 tracks
Mehmet Can Özer 3 tracks
Mehmet Colak 1 track
Mert Topel 1 track
Mete Sezgin 1 track
Muammer Ketencoğlu 2 tracks
Nekropsi 3 tracks
Nilüfer Ormanlı 1 track
Osman Kaytazoglu 1 track
Oğuz Büyükberber 1 track
Oğuzhan Gedik 1 track
Peygamber Vitesi 3 tracks
Pitohui 3 tracks
Playjoy 1 track
Replikas 3 tracks
Reverie Falls On All 3 tracks
Sarp Maden 1 track
Seretan 1 track
Sifir 1 track
Tobias Liebezeit 2 tracks
Tolga Tüzün 3 tracks
Tuna Pase 2 tracks
Tunç Çakır 1 track
Utku Tavil 1 track
Volkan Ergen 3 tracks
Volkan Öktem 2 tracks
Zeynep Oktar 2 tracks
İlhan Mimaroğlu 3 tracks
İpek Ektaş 1 track