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The Sound of Tijuana Indie

Tijuana's indie scene is diverse, blending dreamy melodies, experimental sounds, and punk energy. "The Sound of Tijuana Indie" captures this mix with tracks like Ramona's melancholic "Tristes Ojos" and Mint Field’s ethereal "Delicadeza." The playlist moves through the raw edge of bands like San Pedro el Cortez and DFMK, balancing them with the reflective tones of Vaya Futuro’s "Aunares" and Jardín's "Fluir."

There’s a little bit of everything—genre-blurring rock from Entre Desiertos, ska-punk from Los Kung Fu Monkeys, post-punk from Perra Galga, and psychedelic touches from Beirah and Pequeño Asteroide. Whether it’s the cinematic atmosphere of Late Nite Howl’s "Insomnia" or the high-energy blasts of Mexican Jumping Frijoles, this playlist showcases the rich and evolving sound of Tijuana’s underground and alternative music scenes.

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22 Missiles 2 tracks
Adeumazel 2 tracks
Andrés Amez 1 track
Angel Peralta Project 1 track
Baston Viejo 1 track
Beirah 2 tracks
Big Javy 1 track
Bulevar Descarga 1 track
Cicuta 2 tracks
DFMK 2 tracks
Daniel Dennis 3 tracks
David Velasco 1 track
Dazed Sun Lemonade 1 track
Desde El Balcón 2 tracks
Entre Desiertos 3 tracks
Federico Ramplona 1 track
Foncal 2 tracks
Fractal 2 tracks
Glasmus 2 tracks
Hawk Auburn 1 track
Hiram Valles 1 track
Jardín 3 tracks
La Ballena de Jonás 2 tracks
La Beat Cantina 2 tracks
Lalo Delgado 1 track
Late Nite Howl 1 track
Linda Owlen 2 tracks
Los Aerostáticos 1 track
Los Halcones Muertos 1 track
Los Hijos del Santo 3 tracks
Los Kung Fu Monkeys 3 tracks
Luis Cortes 1 track
Madame Ur y Sus Hombres 2 tracks
Mafia Rusa 3 tracks
Matilda MX 3 tracks
Maura Rosa 3 tracks
Mecaník Fabrík 1 track
Melbeat 2 tracks
Memory Leak 1 track
Mint Field 3 tracks
Mountain Bridge 3 tracks
North Space 1 track
Nosis 3 tracks
Nova Il 3 tracks
Palos Verdes 3 tracks
Paperbag 1 track
Parque de Cometas 3 tracks
Pequeño Asteroide 3 tracks
Perra Galga 3 tracks
Rabbit Fever 1 track
Ramona 3 tracks
San Pedro el Cortez 3 tracks
See Saturn 1 track
Slares 2 tracks
Sonios 2 tracks
Spurs and Rockets 2 tracks
Sun of these Days 3 tracks
Thrëė 2 tracks
Tierra a la Vista 1 track
Trevolts 1 track
Unhazed 1 track
Vanessa Zamora 1 track
Vaya Futuro 3 tracks
Vinyl Beach 1 track
Zenith 1 track
Ziruela 3 tracks