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The Sound of Fo Jing

"The Sound of Fo Jing" brings together a collection of Buddhist chants, mantras, and sutras performed by various artists. Featuring tracks like "南無阿彌陀佛" by 陳雙, "大悲咒" by multiple artists, and "心经" by 黄慧音, the playlist offers a meditative and reflective listening experience. Traditional chants such as "六字大明咒" and "般若波羅蜜多心經" appear alongside musical interpretations that blend modern and classic elements.

Whether it's the soothing melodies of Imee Ooi, the sacred recitations from Tibetan and Chinese traditions, or instrumental versions of well-known mantras, this playlist creates a serene atmosphere for contemplation or relaxation. With selections spanning different Buddhist schools and cultural influences, "The Sound of Fo Jing" provides a calming space for those interested in spiritual chants and meditative sounds.

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Chai Yu 1 track
Chai Yu and Imee Ooi 1 track
Chyi Yu 2 tracks
Imee Ooi 2 tracks
Imee Ooi 黄慧音 2 tracks
Kamini 2 tracks
LinDi 2 tracks
Ma Chang-Sheng 3 tracks
Xu Qing-Yuan 2 tracks
云菲菲 1 track
今不幻 2 tracks
伊藤佳代 3 tracks
佛光山梵唄讚頌團 2 tracks
依林法師 2 tracks
劉世賢 1 track
劉小茜 3 tracks
北京快樂小菩薩合唱團 3 tracks
印良法师 1 track
吳芝茵 1 track
周志宏 1 track
圓圓 1 track
堪布松柏仁波切 2 tracks
堪布貝瑪千貝仁波切 3 tracks
夏語 1 track
多傑喇嘛 3 tracks
奕睆 3 tracks
妙蓮華 3 tracks
小楊 1 track
巫娜 1 track
張嫚玲 1 track
張永強 4 tracks
彭立 1 track
新韻傳音 1 track
方懋基 1 track
智慧金剛仁波切 1 track
札噶仁波切 2 tracks
朱運恒 2 tracks
林增榮 1 track
林曼妮 6 tracks
果勝 1 track
楊李榮 1 track
殷正洋 1 track
淨世金剛 1 track
滇津喇嘛 2 tracks
潘越雲 1 track
烏金喇嘛 3 tracks
玉恩明玛 1 track
王建勳 1 track
王心雅 3 tracks
王珺 2 tracks
王苒馨 3 tracks
瓊英·卓瑪 2 tracks
白林 1 track
盧以純 2 tracks
真如 1 track
穆松古千仁波切 3 tracks
索南帕吉 3 tracks
羅啟瑞 1 track
羅天洲 4 tracks
羅添洲 1 track
莲歌子 2 tracks
葛莎雀吉 3 tracks
蓮歌子 2 tracks
蕭曼萱 3 tracks
蕭蔓萱 7 tracks
薛豊旻 1 track
薩迦法王 2 tracks
許嵐真 1 track
謝文德 3 tracks
貝諾法王 2 tracks
郭蘅祈 3 tracks
采風兒童合唱團 1 track
釋佛興 1 track
釋則旭 3 tracks
陳振國 1 track
陳明樺 1 track
陳雙 3 tracks
陸華麗 1 track
願願演藝眾歌手 1 track
马常胜 3 tracks
黃名偉 3 tracks
黃慧音 2 tracks
黃秀偵 1 track
黄慧音 3 tracks
龍祥輝 1 track