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The Sound of Shoegaze Peruano

"The Sound of Shoegaze Peruano" is a deep dive into the hazy, reverb-soaked world of Peruvian shoegaze and dream pop. Featuring tracks from artists like Resplandor, Silvania, and Chinese Park, this playlist captures the ethereal soundscapes and melancholic melodies that define the genre. Songs like "Casa de Islandia" by Solenoide and "La Pared Vuelve a Caer" by Satélite menor layer shimmering guitar textures with atmospheric vocals, while bands like Thank You Lord For Satan and The Spiracles add a mix of introspective moods and swirling instrumentation. From lush, washed-out reveries to noisier, rawer cuts, this collection showcases the diversity of Peru’s shoegaze scene.

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5 cm por segundo 3 tracks
Alexander Goché 3 tracks
Almirante Ackbar 1 track
Alunaki 2 tracks
Alvarock 1 track
Anthony Rojas 2 tracks
Astronaut Project 2 tracks
Ati Lane 2 tracks
Avispón Verde 1 track
Blackthony Startano 1 track
Blair Boulevard 1 track
Capitán Gris 2 tracks
Capy Bara 1 track
Catervas 3 tracks
Chinese Park 3 tracks
Cualquier Color Combina Con Negro 2 tracks
Dafne Castañeda 1 track
EdI 2 tracks
Espectros de Shibuya 3 tracks
Espira 1 track
Figuras de Acción 2 tracks
Fntasma! 3 tracks
Hipnoascensión 2 tracks
Indigo 2 tracks
Isa Briceño 1 track
Kokedama 3 tracks
La Garúa 1 track
Lento Rodríguez 1 track
Lluvia Trip 3 tracks
Los membrillos 3 tracks
Marmotasdebemorir 3 tracks
Mi Mochila Huele A Semen 2 tracks
Miles Cienfuegos 2 tracks
Mola Mola 2 tracks
Muchacha Punk 2 tracks
Ok Boomer 3 tracks
Oliver Castillo 1 track
Orfa Ponce 1 track
Orquídea 1 track
Pinturas Rupestres 2 tracks
Possimiste 1 track
Quazares 1 track
Resplandor 2 tracks
Reverb Chamber 1 track
Rod Blur 1 track
Sabina Odone 1 track
Sajjra 1 track
Satélite menor 3 tracks
Serto Mercurio 2 tracks
Silvania 2 tracks
Silveria 1 track
Solenoide 3 tracks
Sueño Púrpura 1 track
Teleférico 1 track
Thank You Lord For Satan 3 tracks
The Perfect Reminder 1 track
The Spiracles 2 tracks
Vanessa Angulo 1 track
WAN 1 track
emilia f 3 tracks
subacuátic 1 track
un poco naïve 1 track