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The Sound of Edinburgh Indie

"The Sound of Edinburgh Indie" brings together a collection of tracks showcasing the variety of independent music emerging from Scotland’s capital. From the hook-driven anthems of Vistas and swim school to the atmospheric sounds of Wrest and Mt. Doubt, this playlist covers a wide spectrum of indie styles. Artists like The Spook School, Withered Hand, and Cheap Teeth add their own distinctive energy, while experimental and post-punk influences come through in selections from rEDOLENT, Birdhead, and The Filthy Tongues.

Blending sharp lyricism, melodic guitar lines, and inventive production, this playlist highlights both rising talent and more established names in the Edinburgh indie scene. Whether it's the dreamy textures of Stillhound, the raw edge of Fistymuffs, or the infectious rhythms of Ayakara, each track brings a different perspective to the city’s evolving sound.

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Abstract Greens 2 tracks
Ayakara 3 tracks
Betty & The Bass 2 tracks
Birdhead 2 tracks
Caezium 2 tracks
Cameo Habitat 3 tracks
Cheap Teeth 3 tracks
DTHPDL 2 tracks
Deaf Joe 2 tracks
Deathpodal 2 tracks
Devil's Beeftub 2 tracks
Dubinski 3 tracks
Dunt 2 tracks
Eagleowl 3 tracks
Edinburgh School for the Deaf 2 tracks
Errant Boy 2 tracks
Fires in the Alps 2 tracks
Fistymuffs 2 tracks
Gaze is Ghost 2 tracks
Glassmasterer 2 tracks
Gus Harrower 3 tracks
Haircuts From Mars 2 tracks
Half Formed Things 2 tracks
Honeyblood 2 tracks
Indigo Velvet 3 tracks
Inkfields 2 tracks
Katherine Aly 1 track
Kid Canaveral 3 tracks
Knicker Boy 2 tracks
Kohla 3 tracks
Last Wild Lion 2 tracks
Le Thug 2 tracks
Lilac Melt 2 tracks
Lou Mclean 1 track
Matthew Mcghie 1 track
Michigan Reverbs 1 track
Mt. Doubt 3 tracks
Nasari 3 tracks
Open Window Imposters 1 track
Oxhead 1 track
Painting Rockets 2 tracks
Paper Rifles 2 tracks
Posable Action Figures 3 tracks
Quiet as a Mouse 1 track
Run/Lucky/Free 1 track
SPYYN 2 tracks
Samhradh 1 track
Shadrak 1 track
Skjør 1 track
Sons Of The Descent 3 tracks
Star Rover 1 track
Stillhound 3 tracks
Super Inuit 1 track
Tambourine Suicides 1 track
The Cherry Action 1 track
The Eastern Swell 1 track
The Filthy Tongues 3 tracks
The Food Banks 1 track
The Last September 1 track
The Motion Poets 3 tracks
The Rising Souls 1 track
The Spook School 3 tracks
The Super Moons 1 track
The Sweet Melindas 1 track
The Tracks 1 track
The Wordsmiths 1 track
Thirty Three Connection 1 track
Trapped Mice 3 tracks
Vandal Palace 3 tracks
Very Well 1 track
Vistas 3 tracks
Vive La Rose 1 track
Whitehill Grove 3 tracks
Withered Hand 3 tracks
Wrest 3 tracks
Wylde 3 tracks
rEDOLENT 4 tracks
swim school 3 tracks